I found it an interesting enough read that i wanted to re-post it on my profile here. A dominant man ; will not start off by with, 'Bow down on your knees upon receipt of my message!' There seems to be many complaints from women about this kind of ploy as first introduction, and this is reason alone to 'block n’ move on.' (I would advise ladies to use this tactic often and liberally rather than engage in argument or flame wars…life is too short.). Ignore the Insta-Dom. - A dominant man will not seem ‘desperate’ for your attention. Getting dates or getting laid is not his problem; he can f… 阅读更多内容
How to treat a submissive, A few guidelines
Whether you are in a marriage contract, long term commitment, or a brief encounter with a partner, the guidelines I propose will provide healthy steps on HOW TO TREAT A SUBMISSIVE. 1. Because the submissive is the complete counterpart to the Dominant, the sub should be allowed to express how the relationship should grow. 2. The submissive is in CONTROL. By choice, the sub has elected to be dominated. 3. The submissive should be treated as the crown jewel of the Dominant. Do not abuse, misuse, or subject the sub to situations that are uncomfortable, unless agreed upon (i.e. the sub may… 阅读更多内容
Vaginal Satisfaction From Penis Length
Vaginal Satisfaction, Stimulation From Penis Length It is not difficult to understand why larger (longer and/or thicker) penises cause more vaginal satisfaction than smaller penises. Everyone agrees that a vagina doesn't have many touch sensitive nerves passed the first third (see Alfred Kinsey's research). But these vaginal walls are responsive to deep tissue pressure. Both longer and thicker penises create more pressure in these walls. Why women prefer longer penises deep stimulation of back of vagina: ~Stimulation of uterus ~More friction along vagina walls ~Al… 阅读更多内容
13 XHamster Users To Avoid
These are the the types of XHamster Users that I do not like: 1- The Chatty Batty: These users want you to chat with them for hours as a condition of your being a friend. OMG get a fucking life!!! Some of us have a life outside of XH. 2- The Detective: These users are full of questions about you. They want you to send them identifying pictures of yourself so that they can prove that you are you. WTF, this is a porn site, if you want to post your picture, then fine, but I don't have to. Back off Sherlock… 阅读更多内容
Men of xhamster: Do yourselves a favor...
and calm the fuck down. With the ratio of men-to-women probably already sitting at 100:1 or more, why does it seem like so many of you are hell-bent on driving the remaining women off of this site?(gay men not included, of course. This isnt directed at you guys.)It seems like every week, someone on my friend list has decided to close her account, and if Im able to catch her before she does so and ask her why, 99% of the time they give the same reason: disrespectful men. And lets not forget about the tons of women who dont even last a few hours before being scared off. Guys, I understand… 阅读更多内容
Suggested rules for cam room behavior
This post is aimed at the men and women who visit the Live Cam area and post in the chat rooms. * First and foremost, remember that the cam ladies are people. You know, people, like you. They have feelings and emotions, and they can even be shy or self-conscious about things. Yes, they're usually showing their bodies. However, that is no reason to call them a "bitch," a "whore," or any other foul name... unless they're into it (see next rule). I mean, really, would you walk up to girl in a bar and say "hey bitch show pussy"? I think not. So, unless you know it's okay to do… 阅读更多内容