What's up, yall? Hope you are all gearing up for a merry Christmas or happy holiday or delightful Hanukkah or bangin' Kwanzaa or drunken Festivus or maybe just jacking/jilling off to porn here on hamster! Whatever it is you do, I hope you enjoy doing it over this holiday weekend! So I’m going to time-jump on you all once again. Instead of following the sequence of “what happened next?” after my story about my partner-in-crime Katie, I want to tell you about something that happened just a few weeks ago…Thanksgiving weekend, in fact and more specifically: BLACK FRIDAY! Let m… 阅读更多内容
The Buddy System
Hey Hey Hey! I've actually got some free time, so why not another little glimpse into my past? So if you've been keeping up (and if you haven't, WHY NOT? Do it now: http://xhamster.com/user/mandilou0303/blog) I've been *mostly* keeping things chronological with a few jump-offs here and there...and much of this stuff kinda over-laps, like my on-going oral/foot fetish friendship with Domino Hooter. My story about him jumped to Simon the African college boy I did, because I wanted to tell you about the 2nd black dick to actually fuck me. But I did mention that in the meantime before Sim… 阅读更多内容
Cuck-ooo, pt 2
Sorry it took me so long to follow up on this! Please forgive and such! In case you're thinking: "Follow up on WHAT?", here's the link to my previous post that I'm referring to: http://xhamster.com/user/mandilou0303/posts/449092.html and all the others before that...I hope you are caught up! So while I didn't have a true "cuckold" experience, I did give a BJ (OK, 2 BJ's) to a black boy I'd just met while on a (blind) date with a white guy...that kinda counts, right? Even though "Kevin" wasn't part of things, I was certainly feeling a part of the cuckold community at that point, ev… 阅读更多内容
Whatsup, my Nigerians?!? I hope all is well with you...it sure is with me. Work has been crazy busy, but I've found the time to sneak in a few chocolate penises, so all is well. You HAVE been reading my other stories, right? http://xhamster.com/user/mandilou0303/blog/1.html This one is a little different in that it falls slightly out of the timeline...I swear I'm not going all Tarrentino on you, its just that this doesn't happen the next day, week or even month after my last adventure with the black truck driver from Alabama. But it did happen during this wonderful exploratory phase of my li… 阅读更多内容
Mother-Trucker ;)
Hey, I'm back! So I wanted to share another adventure with you, this one taking place not too terribly long after my encounter with Simon... (who's Simon? Duh, read my last blog post! And all the rest of them, too!) http://xhamster.com/user/mandilou0303/posts/419642.html Letting Simon fuck me (wait, or did he let me fuck him? LOL!) sort of broke the seal for me and I was looking to pursue other negro men for intercourse, not just oral sex. But I still wanted to be very very selective with the men I chose to allow into my vagina, just like I had been previously B.N.D. (before negro di… 阅读更多内容
From Africa with Love
Hey yo! The last time we talked, I was telling you how I had graduated to now getting black dick on the regular...well, ORAL, anyway. I was giving Dom BJ's on my lunch breaks and stopping by his apartment in the evenings and weekends for 6ixty-9ing, mutual masterbation and such. No less than twice a week and many weeks almost every day and yes on a few memorable occasions, twice a day (!)... I also made a friend with "shared interests" (ie, black dicks) who introduced me to the wonderful world of giving BJs to random black guys we'd meet, never to be heard from again....but more on her late… 阅读更多内容
Repeat Performances and Intro to Footjobs!
OK, so now its time to stop referring to this as my "Intro to IR Sex"...by this point, the introduction has definitely been made! And while it had been several months between my initiation to black dick and my follow-up encounter, I had a strong feeling it wouldn't be nearly as long until I got more. I mean, I couldn't stop thinking about it, how easy it had been to just meet this strange black man I only knew online and SUCK HIS DICK! And no one would ever know! THAT was the thought that kept going thru my mind the next coupla days as I reflected back on our encounter and touched myself...… 阅读更多内容
My Intro to IR Sex: and the (dark) meat goes on...
Hey Yall! Sorry for the long time in between posts, but life happens, amIright? So anyway, I wanted to continue on with my back-story of how my all-consuming passion for big black dicks developed...I'm sure you've read my other 3 posts called "My Intro to IR Sex" pts I - III, but if you haven't, I'll wait here for you... OK, back? Then let's roll... So at some point I have to move on from calling this my "Intro" and reporting it for what it now is to me: a lifestyle choice. BUT...at the point where my last post left off, it all could've been chalked up to one-night (oops, make that TWO-nigh… 阅读更多内容
My Intro to IR Sex pt 3: My Second Taste
OK, so here's the conclusion about my first time having sex with a black man... If you haven't read the other 2 parts (Backstory and First Taste), please go do so now so that this makes more sense...go on, I'll wait right here for you. I might touch myself a little while you're gone, though... ;) OK, back? All caught up? OK, here we go... It is now the morning after...after what, you ask? Dang it I thought you said you were caught up! I am being gently shaken awake, an unfamiliar deep voice saying: "Girl, I don't know how long it take you to get ready...you probably oughta get up..."… 阅读更多内容
My Intro to IR Sex pt 2: My First Taste
Hey yo, I'm back! Sorry it took so long, but...life, right? I was pleased at all the positive reactions to my intro post, so here goes the rest... To catch you up: I was fresh out of college and freshly cheated on by my fiancee Romneybilt (FYI: not his real name)...yes, I was devastated. In my young life, I had NEVER been rejected on any level by a guy. Other girls got cheated on, not me. Of course, in my young life, I had not experienced A LOT of things, as I was about to find out... So as part of my new job I get sent to a large Midwestern city for orientation...I should have b… 阅读更多内容
My Intro to IR Sex pt 1: Backstory
OK, since so many folks on here ask me about what was my first interracial experience, what was my first black dick, etc...I decided to share a bit of my history here in this blog area instead of trying to re-tell a jillion times over and over... But first, a little about me... Obviously my name is Mandi and let me just say up front that I WILL be changing some small details to protect the innocent (LOL, not that any of us are innocent!) as well as to protect my identity. My family/friends are NOT aware of everything I do in my personal life...you will understand why as we go along. S… 阅读更多内容
Young black guy vandalizing?
NOTE: this is 100% a work of fiction. This was a fantasy scenario of a friend of mine, and he asked me to write it out...so I did. Enjoy! Lady cop Bobbi N**** brings the young black thug in handcuffs into Mandi's office at the hotel and shoves him down into a chair.... "You sure you don't mind this?" Bobbi asks Mandi, and Mandi assures Bobbi that she doesn't mind at all... Bobbi tells Mandi that she will be nearby on patrols and to give her a call if the suspect gets unruly or causes problems...Mandi promises that she will and thanks officer Bobbi for the hard work she does keeping th… 阅读更多内容