The toxic alliance between a former mob slayer and a wannabe mob boss. By Maureen Dowd Aug. 19, 2023 A chaos agent greets his chaos agent in front of his adoring chaos mob. WASHINGTON — I first met Rudy Giuliani in 1986 when I was a Times reporter writing about corruption cases in New York. Gotham was awash in so much municipal sleaze, a detective joked that city employees were streaming into the F.B.I. office with their hands up. Giuliani, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York,… 阅读更多内容
Taylor Swift's 4th Album Rerecording
"Taylor Swift Announces Fourth Album Rerecording During Eras Tour" Swift announced the October release of “1989 (Taylor’s Version)” during a concert in California on Wednesday. By Claire Moses Claire Moses reported from London. Aug. 10, 2023 Taylor Swift performing at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey in May. It’s Taylor Swift’s summer. We’re all just living in it. During a concert for her Eras Tour in California on Wednesday night, Swift announ… 阅读更多内容
Where’s the Vicuña Outrage?
Three men walk into a courtroom, as August heats up. By Maureen Dowd Aug. 12, 2023 Hunter, haunted and hunted. WASHINGTON — For a quiet summer Friday, there was quite a cacophony. Donald Trump crashing around. Clarence Thomas cashing in. Hunter Biden spinning out. News about these men rocked the capital. Yet there is something inevitable, even ancient, about the chaos enveloping them. Fatal flaws. Mythic obsessions. Greed. Revenge. Daddy issues. Maybe a touch of Cain and Abel. It’s… 阅读更多内容
Extreme Heat May Be Getting to Your Head
Uncovering the Effects of Climate Change on Mental Health Heat Singes the Mind, Not Just the Body Hot weather can destabilize mood, exacerbate mental health disorders and complicate d~rug treatment. Climate change itself is a stressor, scientists say. By Apoorva Mandavilli Aug. 10, 2023 Scientists have coined the term “climate distress” to describe the multitude of feelings triggered by the environmental changes appearing around us: anxiety, terror, sad… 阅读更多内容
Coup-Coup-Ca-Choo, Trump-Style
Not curtains for Trump the plotter; it’s the entr’acte. By Maureen Dowd Aug. 5, 2023 Thirty-plus-percent of Americans are violently in love with the ugliest man on earth. WASHINGTON — The man who tried to overthrow the government he was running was held Thursday by the government he tried to overthrow, a few blocks from where the attempted overthrow took place and a stone’s throw from the White House he yearns to return to, to protect himself from the government he tried to ov… 阅读更多内容
Seismic 'Swifties' Shake Seattle
‘Swift Quake’: Taylor Swift Fans Shake Ground During Two Seattle Concerts Seismometers can pick up many types of ground vibrations but this drew comparisons to the “B~east Quake” of 2011, when Seattle football fans roared in celebration of a last-minute Seahawks touchdown. By Chang Che July 28, 2023 Taylor Swift performing during the Eras Tour at Lumen Field on July 22 in Seattle. “I shake it off, I shake it off,” Taylor Swift sang. And boy did her fans delive… 阅读更多内容
Taylor, Barbie and Female Needs
"The Hunger Fed by ‘Barbie’ and Taylor Swift" Women are longing for communal joy and catharsis. By Michelle Goldberg July 23, 2023 This summer’s two biggest entertainment phenomena, the movie “Barbie” and Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, have a lot in common. Both feature conventionally gorgeous blond women who alternately revel in mainstream femininity and chafe at its limitations, enacting an ambivalence shared by many of their fans. Both, beneath their slick, exuberant pop surfaces, tell femal… 阅读更多内容
Film Review: "American Beauty" (1999)
A movie about yearning after youth, respect, power and, of course, beauty. By Roger Ebert Sept. 24, 1999 Rating: **** (4 stars) Lester uses his illusion with 'dirty' Angela in a midlife bid to jumpstart a stalled life and reclaim his better angels. "American Beauty" is a comedy because we laugh at the absurdity of the hero's problems. And a tragedy because we can identify with his failure--not the specific details, but the general outline. The movie is about a man who fears gr… 阅读更多内容
Liar in Chief’s Moment Of Truth
Has Florida Man met his match in an Ironman? By Maureen Dowd July 22, 2023 The grift of gab, in an ocean of Trumpian mendacity from former-President Handjob. WASHINGTON — A man is running to run the government he tried to overthrow while he was running it, even as he is running to stay ahead of the law. That sounds loony, except in the topsy-turvy world of Donald Trump, where it has a grotesque logic. The question now is: Has Trump finally run out of time, thanks to Jack Smith, who… 阅读更多内容
‘Barbie’ Review
‘Barbie’ Review: Out of the Box and On the Road She’s in the driver’s seat, headed for uncharted territory (flat feet!). But there are limits to how much dimension even Greta Gerwig can give this branded material. By Manohla Dargis July 18, 2023 Margot Robbie as a living doll. Can a doll with an ingratiating smile, impossible curves and boobs ready for liftoff be a feminist icon? That’s a question that swirls through Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie,” a live-action, you-go-girl fantasia about the world’s most famo… 阅读更多内容
‘Oppenheimer’ Review
CRITIC’S PICK "A Man for Our Time" Christopher Nolan’s complex, vivid portrait of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the atomic bomb,” is a brilliant achievement in formal and conceptual terms. By Manohla Dargis July 19, 2023 In Christopher Nolan’s new film, “Oppenheimer,” Cillian Murphy stars as J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist who oversaw the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, N.M. “Oppenheimer,” Christopher Nolan’s staggering film about J… 阅读更多内容
Watch Out for the Fake Tom Cruise
Hollywood is about to get even more phony! By Maureen Dowd July 15, 2023 Rachel Roberts as a digitally created actress in the 2002 film “Simone.” WASHINGTON — In the 2002 movie “Simone,” Al Pacino plays a director whose star, played by Winona Ryder, walks out on him after saying her trailer on set isn’t grand enough. Disgusted, Pacino’s character secretly creates an obedient computer-generated actress to replace his temperamental one. Simone is a perfect-looking blonde, named after the computer pro… 阅读更多内容
Whitewashing White Nationalism
"Tommy Tuberville Is Whitewashing White Nationalism" White nationalism was fundamental to the creation of America. That fact doesn’t change because it makes some uncomfortable. By Charles M. Blow July 12, 2023 The face of bullshit, Alabama-style. In an interview in May, the senior Republican senator from Alabama, Tommy Tuberville — who is holding up hundreds of promotions for senior military officers because he disagrees with a Defense Department policy that facilitates abort… 阅读更多内容
It’s Seven Grandkids, Mr. President
Cherishing family means all of your family. By Maureen Dowd July 8, 2023 One of the photos Lunden Roberts posted on Instagram of her daughter during a trip to Washington. WASHINGTON — Even my Republican sister is not immune to Joe Biden’s gregarious Irish charm. She met him at media holiday parties over the years and was so impressed that she got seduced to the other side for a time, voting for the Obama-Biden ticket in 2008 and writing in Biden’s name for president in 2012. She sent out a… 阅读更多内容
Status Denied
By Olla June 29, 2023 I tried to post a status on my profile a while ago about this morning's SCOTUS Affirmative Action nullification. I didn't expect it to go *poof!* like many of our blog comments do and so didn't copy it first. They allow 75 characters, but, curiously, an empty status starts you at 9. I remember it, and so... (a drum roll, please) it is: Dohnny Reb's Xtreme Court wants to take us back to the '50s...the 1850s. Any guesses at what ticked off the censor Gods? ________ Olive8 to tamina44 : "For me, the status li… 阅读更多内容
SOS: Keep TCM Afloat
"Save Turner Classic Movies" Movies from the past shape our present. By Maureen Dowd June 24, 2023 Like 'red-state GOP-MAGA rats' abandoning a crippled ship-of-state which their own willful subversion helped create, sending past glories into deep-dive oblivion would be a human disaster of truly titanic proportions. WASHINGTON — I co-starred with Sir Alec Guinness in a movie where a submersible travels down to the Titanic, springs a leak and implodes. Co-star might be a bit strong.… 阅读更多内容
Is Taylor Swift Underpaid?
Superstars in historical perspective. By Paul Krugman June 20, 2023 Taylor serenades her Swifties singing through a Hitachi 'Magic Wand' vibrator. No wonder they're "Hot For Teacher." Like almost every other nation, Sweden has been experiencing high inflation recently. Consumer prices have risen 9.7 percent over the past year, reflecting multiple factors: large spending to support households during the pandemic, Covid-related disruptions of supply chains, Russia’s… 阅读更多内容
America Is ...
We asked 17 columnists to pick the one piece of culture that best captures the country. "AMERICA IS HIGHLY SUSCEPTIBLE" MAUREEN DOWD on INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS In America now, it seems, everyone has been snatched. If you haven’t been snatched by some invader or other, you’re nobody. America has undergone a toxic transformation in which many seem to have been taken over by ideas, slogans, conspiracy theories, lies and emotions, to the point that they have become unrecognizable, even to those close to them. They are running in gangs, crowds and mobs, with an in… 阅读更多内容
Taylor Swift Rocked My Practice
"Taylor Swift Has Rocked My Psychiatric Practice" What she has taught my patients about how to shake it off — and why nobody can calm down. By Suzanne Garfinkle-Crowell June 17, 2023 Swifties wear a coat of many Taylors. A few months ago I started joking that half of the treatments in my psychiatric practice had become “Taylor-based.” Many of my patients are adolescent girls and young women, and they have leaned on Taylor Swift as a kind of big sister through the da… 阅读更多内容
To Jail or Not to Jail
Rough sledding for Citizen Trump. By Maureen Dowd June 17, 2023 Hamlet is transcendent, while Trump is merely transgressive. WASHINGTON — Studying “Hamlet,” the revenge play about a rotten kingdom, I tried for years to fathom Hamlet’s motives, state of mind, family web, obsessions. His consciousness was so complex, Harold Bloom wrote, it seemed bigger than the play itself. Now I’m mired in another revenge play about a rotten kingdom, “Trump.” I’ve tried for years to… 阅读更多内容