Mum Opens It was a normal Saturday morning, or at least I thought it would be! I'd had a bit of a sleep-in that morning and was still slightly dreamy when I woke up. I'd heard Dad leave the house earlier; I knew he was away for the weekend at a conference. So it was just me and Mum in the house. I left my bedroom and walked to the bathroom, passing my parent's door on the way. I glanced into their room and was stunned at what I saw! My mother was lying asleep in bed, the bedclothes thrown aside and she was naked from the waist down! Her nightdress had ridden up well above her waist and… 阅读更多内容
Strip For Me Mum/Mom !
Mummy? Yes, my love? You know you took me to see that film the other day? Escape to Athena? Yes, love? Well I've been having dreams about it. Strange dreams and strange feelings. Oh, why is that do you think? Was it scary? Did the guns and the fighting scare you? I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken you, but it said it was OK if an adult was with you. No Mummy, it wasn't the guns.... It was the lovely bit when the lady danced and took her clothes off. Oh! She looked so lovely and I was so excited by it, it made me feel all funny. I can't stop thinking about the lady... Oh, I see, well she… 阅读更多内容
the Cousin
The Cousin (You may wish to view a few videos to prepare for this, as mentioned in the story: Look up the Sexmex vids, especially those featuring Vika Borja or Gali Diva, and also search for Japanese subtitled porn, preferably uncensored.) Well since this is a sex story, I'll set you some context. My wife and I had had a dry period in our sex life. Although I was up for it, my wife, Sue, was making excuses and clearly wasn't getting in the mood for sex whenever I actually managed to persuade her to participate. That began to change noticeably when she started reading those Shades Of G… 阅读更多内容
Out Of The Blue
Out Of The Blue I guess, since you're reading this on hamster, that you have seen my series of videos called “Striptease – My Favourite Part” which focus on that wonderful sexy time in a strip when all that is covering a woman's privates is the gusset of her panty or tights or whatever. Of course we all want to see what is covered, but there's something particularly erotic about knowing there's only a thin film of nylon between yourself and her wonders! And that, hopefully, the thin nylon film will be removed shortly... I had put the videos together from a series of shots I had found… 阅读更多内容
Caught! (A First Draft Of Exploring Mum)
Caught! (A First Draft Of Exploring Mum) Oh My Goodness! What the hell are you doing Junior? I'm sniffing your knickers Mum. The crotch bit... I can see that! Stop it, its disgusting! Why Mum. I like it! Because its a dirty thing to do. What made you think it was alright to do that? It IS alright Mum! Its lovely. Everybody does it... What? No, everybody does NOT do it! Where did you get that idea from? Well, my friends at school. They all do it. Everybody likes to smell their Mum's knickers, it makes us feel nice. Its a lovely smell, well not all the time, sometimes they don't s… 阅读更多内容
Exploring Mum
Exploring Mum (Note: US audiences can do global search and replace Mom for Mum and Pantyhose for Tights.) Hello Alan lovey. Good day at school? No. Horrid. Double Latin and RE! Never mind. Tomorrow will be better, eh? No, I don't think so... Oh lovey, don't be so down in the dumps. Come and sit over here next to Mummy. Why are you so down, is it just school? No, its not really school. I just think things are so unfair. In what way? Well, I get these feelings. Bad feelings I suppose... What kind of bad feelings? About you Mum, about how I feel about you. I'm sorry but… 阅读更多内容
In Court
In Court Court Official (CO): All Rise! We are here today to hear the case against Mr Steven Jones who is accused of outraging public decency. How do you plead? Mr Jones: Not Guilty. CO: The prosecutor will now bring the case. Albert Smith (AS) Prosecutor: I call my first witness – Matthew Pryke. Mr Pryke, will you outline exactly what transpired on Wednesday the sixth of May this year? Matthew Pryke (MP): Certainly. It was a very pleasant day and Mr Jones had his windows and curtains open. This meant I could see right into his house, in particular his bedroom. I could clearly see… 阅读更多内容
The Amsterdam Sex Museum
The Amsterdam Sex Museum My wife and I have got quite adventurous in our sex life, in our old age. It was kicked off by my realisation that Sue was more interested in having sex after she read those Fifty Shades of Gray novels. At first she didn't believe my observation, but eventually I persuaded her to watch some porn on the telly in our bedroom to see what effect it had on her. After overcoming her reluctance I downloaded some British standard porn that was quite well shot and had clear visuals and dialogue. It was a typical “this would never happen in real life” scenario set in a c… 阅读更多内容
“What Does DP Mean?”
“What Does DP Mean?” I guess I live quite a privileged life. After my marriage failed I managed to secure a job as estate manager for Lord and Lady Blenkstaff. I look after personnel and financial matters, and generally arrange my employers' affairs, holidays, social engagements etc. There is a cook and a personal ladies maid for her ladyship and for her s*******n year old daughter, the hon. Susan Blenkstaff; plus a gardener/handyman called Bob. One day we had quite an event. My employers were attending a horse show up north and I was just having a coffee in the main kitchen and catching up… 阅读更多内容
Naked Attraction – The XX Version
Naked Attraction – The XX Version UK TV viewers may have seen a programme called “Naked Attraction”. If you haven't seen it, this will not have as much resonance for you as for those who do know the programme. Its a quite explicit post-watershed show where couples meet, naked, before going on a date. It unfolds when one candidate, clothed, is introduced gradually to five potential dates. The unique aspect is that each of the five is naked and is revealed in stages until finally, after they are eliminated at each round, only one is left who is fully seen and heard. The interim stages co… 阅读更多内容
My Panty Fetish and my Step-Mum (Mom) Part 4
My Panty Fetish and my Step-Mum (Mom) Part 4 I thought I might share with you another of my step-mother and my exploits. It was a short time after we'd had fun with my friend Ray, and was really Mum's idea, since she'd so enjoyed the session with two boys and was also getting interested in the thrill she could get from a bit of discrete, or no so discrete, flashing, of areolae or panties. The opportunity for more fun came during the long school summer holidays. My Dad had to work most of these as there was some sort of crisis on at his employer, so Mum booked the two of us in a small… 阅读更多内容
Beth Nicol
This fabulous lady used to be all over the internet at one time. Extremely attractive, she was photographed in a wide variety of outfits and underwear and wearing different wigs. The photos were usually heavily photoshopped and the colours were turned up past 11. She was often posed with another woman called Les Legs (on a site called picparot...). Both ladies photos have since largely disappeared, although there are treasure troves available if you can find them, eg photos mainly but some videos of Les, no vids found yet of Beth, but some nicely explicit open shots of her. I would love to… 阅读更多内容
Confessions of a 60's teenage pin-up magazine
Confessions of a 60's teenage pin-up magazine model I was a naïve young girl in the early sixties, but I wised up a lot over the space of a few years. I grew up on large sprawling estate that lay a few miles outside the large town. I went to school locally, had friends, occasionally went into town on the bus. All pretty humdrum. My family were not close, my mum and dad were, to put it honestly, a couple of slobs. They took no real notice of me; as long as I kept myself out of their way they seemed happy. They liked the fact that I had a Saturday job, but only because they made me give them ha… 阅读更多内容
Max and Me
I enjoy reading the stories here, so thought you may all be interested in some of the experiences me and my husband, Max, have got up to. Well I say Max is my husband; of course he can never really be that, but I always think of him that way. We've been together properly as husband and wife for three years now, after we began sharing a bed. It made everything so much easier for us. We go everywhere together and are constant companions. We have an amazing sex life. Max is completely devoted to me and we spend our evenings cudddled up together watching the TV, often dipping into some porn before… 阅读更多内容
A Definite Positive of Lockdown...
It's been hell, this Lockdown. The damned coronavirus, Covid, has been a real blow for me. But its not been all bad news as I'll explain. I'm still at school, due to leave after my exams next year and hopefully be off to university. But as a sixteen year old, I miss hanging around with my mates, going to music gigs, passing ourselves off as older in pubs and so on. I listen to music and have zoom chats with the guys, but that's not much compensation. Until recently that is, when everything became quite wonderful! Why? Because what kept me at home was what brought our next door neighbour's dau… 阅读更多内容
An Interesting Evening with our new friends
There were just the six of us at Tony and Val’s place that evening, myself and my wife, Sue, and our friends Pete and Annette. We had known Pete and his wife for ages, but Tony and Val had only moved into the area a few months back. They had invited us round for a meal and a “get to know you” chat. I should have said – we were all fairly close neighbours in the same road. We had had a great meal and the wine had flowed throughout the evening. The conversation had been interesting, but had mainly consisted of the four of us telling Tony and Val about ourselves. Then, as we relaxed in their lou… 阅读更多内容
Look Into My Eyes - A story of Sexy Hypnotism
Part One My wife had told me that I ought to occupy myself more and needed to develop an interest. She’s a member of various local groups, amateur dramatics, women’s institute etc etc, and I guess I did rather slouch about the place. So I started looking at courses in our local college. A course on car maintenance looked interesting and I duly went along one evening for registration. As I loitered in the registration hall, looking for the car maintenance desk, another one caught my eye. It said “Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis for Stress Relief”. I wandered over to have a chat. The guy at t… 阅读更多内容
My Best Friend's Girlfriend
It may have been the Summer of Love in 1967, but as a 16 year old boy at a single-sex school, it wasn't! The nearest I came to a sexual experience was swapping girlie mags with my mates – Girl Illustrated, Parade, Health and Efficiency and such like. These were turn-ons but frustratingly only showed breasts and nipples rather than anything “down below”, although the occasional small-format nudie book would display girls who had been air-brushed so they looked like dummies from a shop window display. This was before any pubic hair was shown and a decade before any split-beaver or external vagin… 阅读更多内容
A VERY special lesson!
Mr Thomas was already my favourite teacher at my boy's grammar school, back in the late 60's. I was in the lower sixth, just 16 years of age, and what happened in our small “personal development” class that Summer term was mind-blowing for me and my mates as well as confirming that Mr Thomas was the best teacher anywhere EVER! “Personal Development” was a phrase used in my school to cover stuff like relationships, a bit of sex education (we'd covered reproduction in biology a few years back), personal hygiene and things like that. The sessions could have been embarrassing but Mr Thomas was al… 阅读更多内容
The Rugby Club - Stag Strip Evening
The Rugby Club It was something I, who had lived in the town for years, was completely unaware of. I knew there was a Rugby club in town of course, and that they had a club house, but I didn't know about the annual “stag” nights that took place. At least I didn't until my mate Tony invited me to one. This was a few years back now, before we were both married, and I remember Tony being a bit vague about the whole thing. He and I had visited London strip clubs and had a good time in the past,, so he knew I would like the evening, but I was shocked at how expensive it was going to be – inordina… 阅读更多内容