A fantasy of mine

Imagine how hot it would be if you can up behide me and I wasn't expecting you and you pinned me against the wall. Your hard cock pressed against my ass and your hand on the back of my head . You would tell me that I'm such a naughty girl and that you want to punish me and fuck my pussy raw. I would be completely helpless as you would make sure I wasn't going anywhere. You would spin me around so at this point I would be facing you , you would tell me to get down on my knees and if I didn't do what i was told you were going to smack my ass until it was red and sore. I got down on my knees and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BabyGirlXx25 8 年 前 17


This is the blog explaining how severe my hair fetish drive has been from past few months. I have been looking for ways to take my fetish to next level so agreed for a group shave for almost a week after I got a genuine deal by four guys. I finally arrived Chennai on 25th morning at around 8AM and called them to pick me up. They arrived in an hour and took me to their apartment. I removed my wig for the first time, they appreciated my short buzz like hair, they caressed my hairs with some coconut oil and massaged it, later i took bath and had some breakfast, after a while guys prepared weed a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 baldprincess 7 年 前 13

Always Remember the Spooky Things

I was going through some old photos today and found a few that brought back some good and bad memories. Thought I would share a little more about my past for those actually interested. I'll try not to depress you this time. Only funny and happy thoughts. Promise! If not I will post a photo of the one person that would crucify me for life if she found me here and know I contacted her to it! Seriously! My mom! lol Anyway! I came across these and couldn't help but smile! When I first got with my ex he helpled set up a haunted h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 EmilyWilliams69 4 年 前 2

Details on 9-9-16

My Dom and I made plans and he came and picked me up. I was wearing black jeans and a black sleeveless shirt that zippers up the front. We got back to his house after 15 mins of driving. I got out of the car and went into the house and walked downstairs to his room in the basement. I was right outside of his bedroom door which was closed , I could hear his tv on though the door. Anyways I heard him pick up his pace and he started to walk fast towards me and it all happened so quick , he came up behind me which completely took me off guard and grabbed me and turned me around and we started kiss… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BabyGirlXx25 8 年 前 2

Everything You Need to Know About Me

Name: Angelica Cream Year of Birth: 1991 Education: 16 years of serving time - I mean attending school lol and 4 years in college. Occupation: Hairdresser Height: 5' 6'' Weight: Pretty rude to ask a girl that! :> lol At time of writing: 9.6st (134lbs) Vices: I DON'T smoke. I DON'T do any drugs*. I drink on most weekends though, especially if partying! :) *Except on rare occasions, but only ever harmless fun non-addictive drugs that have nice positive effects Tattoos: I don't have any, although I d… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ms_cream_puff 8 年 前 175

What is Edging?

Edging is being brought to the very precipice of orgasm and then stopping all stimulation before you orgasm. This is usually physical stimulation, but can be mental for some. Basically, if you can reach orgasm from something, you can edge with it (fingers, toys, cock, etc). The point though, is to stop yourself from actually having the orgasm. To edge multiple times, there should be a break between each edge to allow the body to calm down before bringing it back up to the next edge. The amount of time between each edge will vary from person to person. I’ve seen 60 seconds, and I’ve seen “u… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Jana-chen 5 年 前 26

Ideas for Edging/Mental Edging

These are going to be written for women, because I’m just not very well versed in the ways of male edging. Guys,so sorry. Hands *Standard fingers on clit or internally (vaginal or anal) *Tapping on your clit with your fingertip *Rubbing yourself over your panties *Bladder pressing Toys *Vibrators *Dildos *Anal Plugs *Whatever your favorite toy is Objects *Humping pillows, etc. *Fucking anything around that house that’s safely insertable (safely meaning it won’t damage anything internally, you *won’t mess up your pH, and you won’t get an… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Jana-chen 5 年 前 13

Shakin' My Cage

I've been really wanting to get a cage... I put the feelers out there, letting family and friends know how in need I am of acquiring a large cage suitable for my desires. Obviously, I may have told a little white lie, and explained it to them that the cage will be for my cat >_> Well, technically I wasn't lying, as the true purpose of the cage will indeed be for serving my pussy's needs :P haha Anyway, months had passed by, when I got a call from my uncle. "Are you still after a big cage?" He asked me over the phone. "Yep O_O" I answered. To cut a very long story short, a friend of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ms_cream_puff 5 年 前 17

Basic rules and guidelines in BDSM Relationship

There are normal manners and courtesy just like the rest of society. So just because you claim yourself to be a Dom/me don’t expect to treat submissive's as if they were your submissive, that is NOT OKAY. Just because you claim yourself to be a submissive don’t expect Dom/me's to treat you as if you are theirs, that is NOT OKAY. No one should expect a sub to wait on a Dom/me or a Dom/me to issue orders to them when not in a relationship with them. Until you give your gift of submission to a Dom/me. NO Dom/me has the right to intimidate, force, demand or take away your freedom. Until you… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nastylonghair 5 年 前 3

I'm a nasty insertion slut

I love abusing my fuck holes with objects while being degraded. I've used: All kinds of bottles: wine bottles, beer bottles, whiskey bottle, salad dressing bottles, shampoo bottles, sunscreen bottles, etc. wooden and plastic utensils can opener whisk candles banana cucumber sweet potato celery carrots baseball bat traffic cone sticks and tree branches pine cone plastic dog toys rawhide dog bone handle bars on my bike hammer broom and mop bed post hairbrush remote control pens and markers toilet brush screwdriver vacuum cleaner attachments flashlight umbrella my panties shovel rake wrenches pl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 analfuckwhore 8 年 前 173

Plaisir silencieux

Étendue sur le canapé, je me réveille lentement d'une courte sieste. Tout en gardant les yeux clos je m’étend et sens mon haut remonté le long de mon corps jusqu'à découvrir mes seins, le frottement du tissu sur mes tétons m’offre un léger plaisir que j'exprime dans un soupir satisfait. J'ouvre enfin les yeux et je te vois , là, assis face à moi, un sourire aux lèvres et les yeux rivés sur ma poitrine dénudée. Je te souris en retour puis t’envoie un baiser avec les doigts tout en gardant le silence. Je retire mon haut et te le… 阅读更多内容

发表者 vanessabraise 6 年 前 15

Une soirée de folie.

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发表者 Manon-S 5 年 前


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发表者 cyrinatska 7 年 前


OFFRE TA PETITE CHIENNE TIMIDE Douce soirée d'été, on est assis dans un bar tout les 2 sur une banquette. On s'embrasse, on boit, on se touche discrètement. Complice on s'amuse ensemble à se dévorer du regard, à se délecter de nos lèvres de nos langues. On se chauffe, je me sens détendue, je ris et te regarde comme une petite pétasse. Je vois ton regard parcourir la rue comme toujours, je n'y prête pas attention. En te serrant contre moi tu me chuchote à l'oreille : "-Du coup tu mouilles trop en pensant à d'autres queues n'est-ce pas?" J’acquise en riant les yeux pétillants de malices. S… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nymphettegourmande 5 年 前 13

Gallery Unlock Details (in more detail)

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发表者 thiccbabejade 5 年 前

BDSM quiz!

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发表者 greluda24 5 年 前

Une reflexion (sortie de Darker vs Sunstone)

Je pense presque qu'entre mes colère contre des membres et mes analyses je suis entrain de devenir un blogueur. ça me plait plutôt bien même si personne m'écoute. Aujourd'hui la réflexion se porte sur le paradoxe de ma vie depuis quelque temps je n'ai plus honte d'afficher mon côté dominant dans ma vie de tous les jours et bon dieu que ça fait du bien de parler ouvertement de ça. Je me sens libéré (arrête de suite de chanter je suis sadique mais pas à ce point.) La sortie de Darker 5 ème roman de l'univers 50 nuance et deuxième du point de vue de Christian et sa bite à la conscience plus deve… 阅读更多内容

发表者 benji4 7 年 前

Where my cum addiction began

I had very strict parents who never let me date, when when I was a senior in HS. while all my friends were going to prom with their boyfriends I decided not to go. I mean how could I? It was so embarrassing. My birthday just passed 2 days ago and I’m freshly 18. I’m built like a sex doll but never even kissed a boy!! I’m 4’11 roughly 95lbs with monster 34j tits. Clothes never fit me right, I’m a size xs but my big bouncy tits just flop right out of them! Forget going to the beach. I hate tan lines so I wear micro bikinis that don’t hold my big tits in. When I get up to walk to the water t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 BustyCarina 5 年 前 14

this isn’t a coincidence.

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发表者 Belllatrix 9 年 前

Plaisir du soir.

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发表者 Manon-S 5 年 前

Exhibition et conséquences

A une époque je travaillais comme agent immobilier dans une ville du sud de la France. En tant qu'exhib, il m'arrivait à de maintes reprises de partir le matin et "d'oublier" de mettre des dessous, en roulant sur mon Vespa je me sentais libre avec le vent qui s'immisçait entre mes cuisses, et le regard de certains passants ou chauffeurs qui arrivaient à capter cet instant, humidifiaient encore plus ma selle. Ce jour là était un jour où j'avais encore omis de mettre une culotte, et j'avais planifié une visite d'appartement avec un nouveau client. Nous nous étions donné rendez-vous sur place, u… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Courtise_Moi 6 年 前 33

5 Common Myths About Lesbians Debunked

5 Common Myths About Lesbians Debunked Although lesbians are much more out and open than in previous generations, there are still a lot of misconceptions. That's natural, and lesbians shouldn't be offended by them. When you are not part of something or around it much, misconceptions are bound to arise. The good news is that ignorance can be .educated.  These five myths about lesbians seem to be the most common. http://img.webme.com/pic/l/阅读更多内容

发表者 Jana-chen 5 年 前 13

Mon nouveau jouet Merci beaucoup Madame

Ca y est mon abstinance imposé à pris fin hier sur les coups de 16 heures. Tout a commencer par le facteur qui est venu déposer un colis à la maison. Comme Madame n’était pas là j’ai réceptionner le colis. Quand Madame est rentrer sur les coup de midi je lui ai annoncer qu’elle avait recu un colis elle a pris le colis pour le ranger dans sa chambre en me jetant un de ses regard qui annonce qu’il vas se passer un truc mais a ce moment la je sais pas encore quoi... Nous avons pris le repas normalement je lui ai fait le service, ensuite la vaisselle et je suis partie me reposer dans ma chambre ca… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Veronique-docile 8 年 前 13

Envie Matinale..

Je me suis réveillée ce matin d'une humeur coquine. J'ai fait un rêve un peu... mouillé, et est restée en moi un frisson qui m'a poussé a me caresser. J'ai glissé ma main le long de mon corps chaud, dessus mon extra large pull-pyjama pour que mes doigts rencontre la dentelle de mon slip...il était mouillé, en effet c'est de toi que j'ai rêvée. La première caresse a fait bouillir mon sang. A fait jaillir de mes veines une excitation nouvelle...j'ai glissée un doigt sous la dentelle et dans mon sexe brûlan… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cyrinatska 7 年 前 16

The Anti-Easter Bunny

(Sorry this is a late Easter blog post. Life got in the way, but enjoy anyway!) She really did have no idea just what she was letting herself into, inviting me to her Easter Egg hunt event >:) lol My cousin (one with more kids than an orphanage) had organised a little Easter Egg hunt, inviting a whole bunch of mums and dads and their hellspawn along with them, as well as a few young free adults too (myself included). Like a classic cartoon villain, I had plans in mind to get my hands on as much chocolate as I could get >:) Sod the children! Those chocolate eggs belo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ms_cream_puff 5 年 前 16

Help! What Do I Do?

I just got to get this off my chest, fair warning this post has no sexual content in it (sort of but not really). I'll welcome any advice you can give me. I'll start this off with a little back story; I got my very first laptop when I was a young teen, and I used to love spending hours on those awesome internet chatrooms talking to strangers (mostly other teens) from across the world. You remember those chatrooms that have sadly all but died off? Those were the good days... :( Anyway, I found someone by complete chance on there who was the same age as me, and she lived down in London. She w… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ms_cream_puff 5 年 前 36

About Me: The Introverted Cumslut

The Introverted CumSlut... Currently, as I write this, there is a vibrator in my panties, wedged between the lips of my pussy and pressing deliciously against my cute little, fat clit while I grind against my pillow. I most honest when I need to cum, so I figured that would be a good time to write this. The Introverted Cumslut is the best way to describe myself. I spend all day dreaming and fantasizing of being stuffed, fucked, and used over and over but I’m wayyy to shy to make a move on anyone. It is an interesting and frustrating way to live and this site allows me to access my deeper de… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ladygeebayy21 5 年 前 7

FR: "Galerie" des One-Shot et Long-Shot

Bonjour chers lecteurs et lectrices et intermédiaires inclusifs :D . Si vous avez déjà découvert mes galeries des perles de la déraison hormonée, vous saurez que faire tenir des captures d'écran de discussion dans des galeries d'image n'est pas chose aisée. La compression d'image m'empêche de faire tenir trop de texte en trop petit tout en gardant ça lisible, et on a des limites de format aussi. De plus, modifier l'ordre des images dans une galerie, ou les rajouter dans l'ordre que l'on veut sont des features inaccessibles à ce jour :/ C'est pourquoi je fais ce post. Certaines discussio… 阅读更多内容

发表者 AhriLittleFOxy 6 年 前 25