I finally finished a long winter's work on Apr 2,2023. I booked a hotel for two nights before my flight home. I added days to my flight time and stayed in a hotel near the airport. I couldn't stand the idea of waiting a second longer to get back into a situation where I could goon all night again. I had been stationed on a remote, Northern work site for the last 5 months--no real space, what with paper thin walls in the dorms. Could hear someone yawn in some locations at night. I stayed up all night for about 8 or 9 hours on the the night of the 2nd, and then around the same on the 3d, and on… 阅读更多内容
Pornosexual Relapse
Finally back to my hotel from work. I am a remote paramedic, so I spend the entirety of my days alone inside an idling truck while work happens somewhere around me. Unless something happens which requires my kind of attention, I am absolutely free to do whatever I want. I have a fairly decent gaming laptop, so I watch shows, movies, education stuff, read, play games, and of course, pornography. For the vast majority of my work days I abstain from the risk of consuming porn at work. It is possible, even if remotely, that someone could approach my truck from an angle I hadn't been paying attent… 阅读更多内容
If you really want to know me, start here
Hello, If you want to know more about me, you probably can't do better with my onania dot org account name, totaladdict. Go there. Sign up. Enjoy. It is the history, told in parts and in fits, of a life-long pornography addict. Much of what appears here on xhamster is but a small sample of how extensive my history really is as revealed at Onania's private forum. And even there, it is but the outlines.… 阅读更多内容
Why isn't everyone addicted to pornography?
Fuck. Me. Why doesn't everyone have a pornography addiction? Don't they understand what awaits them? Nobody, and I mean nobody, can get anyone else as horny and turned on as themselves. Sexual arousal comes from within. It is as self generated as it is evoked. With practice, it can be evoked within one's self to degrees the uninitiated would simply not be capable of understanding. Have they ever held themselves on the edge of orgasm while dwelling on a thought? No. Nobody has, unless they have in a very real sense devoted themselves to the craft. Sure, there are savants who edge out the gate… 阅读更多内容
An Honest Request
I am and always have been extremely curious how I got here. Going over and over each step along the path that made me into a truly life-long pornography addict fascinates me. I just smoked a joint and took a two hour walk in the rain at midnight tracing my steps as honestly and starkly with myself as I could be and it was quite a self revelation. I would love to discuss it and your stories. How did it get to this? How did we, each an every one of us, get to this forum? What is your story. For confidence sake, if you DM me, I will never ever reveal what you say to me. You have my utmost confide… 阅读更多内容
Dear Christian
Hello. Can we get real for a little while? Just you and me? Look at me. Look at this place. Look at where you are. How did you get here? I know how hollowed out you feel. Drained. How long have you been at this charade? This double life? What can explain the gap between what you profess to believe and your actions? Isn't there supposed to be some process of sanctification and renewal? Should not the arc of that process be trending toward what is edifying? Feels hopeless doesn't it? You make the very best good-faith effort to quit. Again. And again. Welp. Back at it again, huh? We clearl… 阅读更多内容
Link to PSSTAUDIO Profile
https://psstaudio.com/u/totaladdict Ramblefap describing early exposure to porn. Recounting early porn addiction from eight and on. Found a waterlogged hardcore magazine. Got caught by another guy on baseball team. Was raised on porn. Escalating addiction to harder and harder porn. Double digit porn binges every night for weeks and months at a time. Go through about a fleshlight year. Recently bought fuckdoll, too.… 阅读更多内容
Pornosexual Discord Orgy
An Event Idea Scheduling a fleshlight, estim, or fuckdoll event on Discord. Bringing a fleshlight, estim, or a fuckdoll is mandatory if you want to stay in the room. Doesn't have to be always visible, but there and being used. Then, we each share whatever we are putting up for public display on our shared screens, with volume. In my head, this is what a pornosexual orgy looks like, and someday, I 'm going to make it happen. It'll only ever be with a select few, so the asshats aren't an issue. All of us, hyper-addicted to porn. All horned up by the sight of so many like-minded pornose… 阅读更多内容
Addicting Myself to Porn Earlier
I'd love to addict myself to better porn, harder and earlier, so I could be a full-blown pornosexual as soon as possible. A fantasy of mine is getting a time-traveling device that can link two points in time simultaneously. Like a pocket dimension. Inside is a large room, filled with the trappings of a hardcore porn addict: banks of monitors devoted to a single genre of porn. Multiple fuckdolls in sex swings, in various sizes and shapes, all the lube you could need, food, sleeping quarters, etc. You could stay indefinitely. I'd like to go back in time to my first dry orgasm to porn, ever, and… 阅读更多内容
A forum for the worst of us
And by worst I mean best! Best at being a total pornography addict, or a bate addict, or both . . . usually is. The eternal debate between philosopher wankers: did my flesh seek after the things of the flesh, for that is the nature of flesh; or did the indwelling of the Porn Goddess cause me to seek my flesh? How many angels can dance on the tip of a clitoris? Anyroad, the site is onania.org. They have an active Discord. Also has a soundgasm account where members can call a hotline that takes a message and puts up recording for the rest of the crowd to masturbate to.… 阅读更多内容
The time I got caught . . .
. . . It was around three in the morning. I'd been edging to porn at that point for most of the previous day, so easily inside double digits. I was so horned up that I just had to take a huge risk. Feeling my heart thudding in my chest accompanied by labored breathing, I slipped outside and went to the back yard. I positioned a chair in the middle of the lawn. I'm fairly sheltered there, except for one angle that has line-of-site with a street and a neighbor's frosted bathroom window. There I sat, legs thrown over the arm rests, pumping my fleshlight up and down. In the dead of night you could… 阅读更多内容
Viewcounts For My Fleshlight Videos
It turns me on to be seen for who I am: a massive porn addict. I try to make room for all-nighters. I started about seven hours ago for this session. Seeing the numbers for the viewcounts increase gets me very horny.… 阅读更多内容
Impulse Control and Perversion
You were raised on porn. From well before anyone would have guessed, you've been into and formed-by porn. Male or female or other, it doesn't matter, many who will eventually read this know exactly what it means. It means your kinks have been in formation ever since you knew you loved sexuality and all it meant, which to our memories, means for forever. Since forever you've been the you reading this now. You've always been a huge kink monster. Far, *far*, kinkier than most who read this will understand, even if they understand themselves to understand. You've built a life around hiding how kin… 阅读更多内容
Get over religion and relapse for the last time
All that to say, go ahead and give in to the addiction. Forever never stopping, never-stopping watching.… 阅读更多内容
What really gets me off . . .
. . . is when I'm reveling in my life-long addiction to pornography, and want to write here. The act of covertly exposing the inside life of a life-long porn addict, totally unfiltered and true. I can state that last night I edged to porn for 9 straight hours, and downloaded the really good stuff to carefully maintained folders, and know that others have, will, will at sometime, follow this pattern is why I love the age of Internet Porn. Porn: IP. IP era. It is a true joy to meet someone as totally and hopelessly addicted to porn as I have been, am, and will come to be. It gets me off to writ… 阅读更多内容
Chance Encouter Reaveals IRL Friend's Fascina
. . . with porn. Long ago, in a card game lost to memory, a card was plucked. Upon that card the all-caps word: BUKKAKE. I was of course at that time totally and intimately aware of the word. Even the pronunciation and word-origin was known. I had drawn it, so I feigned ignorance and asked for help about the way to say it. I turned the card so everyone could see it. I then watched reactions. Back in that day, the word didn't surface on the internet unless you knew what you were looking for or the other subjects you liked brought you into contact with it. Bukkake didn't just pop into awareness… 阅读更多内容
Give in to porn addiction . . . it's who you
What I've always been . . . I've had such good fortune with porn over the years. I had the wonderful experience of early exposure to hardcore porn. But due to being a waterlogged magazine I could not take it with me. I stared and edged for around three hours and had my first accidental orgasm. After that, despite the ready access to that kind of hardcore porn for some years, there were some very fortuitous events throughout my life prior to porn being accessible. We grew up in a very remote area--as in, we milled our own flour, kind of remote. Porn was an unforgettable experience at that time… 阅读更多内容
Covert Exhibitionism 2
Sometimes I just feel like I need to scream at the top of my lungs in a very busy place all the obscenities I love, describing my porn addiction in detail. Bellowing out how I'm only really there to buy snacks and drinks for the porn marathon I'm about to have. Shouting out how many hours a day over the last week I have spent watching porn, with 3 of those days being 9, 11.5, and 14.5. I'd wear tight, elastic skinny jeans so the people who are there to observe from the absolute beginning can see how fast my cock is swelling. Harder and harder, bigger and bigger, with every few sentences, until… 阅读更多内容
Exposure Bomb
Make a file. A signed PDF with your entire pornosexual history. From first exposure, describing all the kinks you came to have along they way. Every lurid scrap of thought. Down to the hours you get off to porn and the exact fucked up genres/kinks you now get off to. Filled with your face, ID, photo of driver's licence. Edge to cancelling the life-destroying confession before it has time to fully upload, because it is big. You can walk away from the computer for a minute or two before it uploads, but you never know, it could speed up and finish uploading if your porn downloads and uploads end… 阅读更多内容
Secret Desires To Be SEEN As Pornosexual
Secret Desires To Be SEEN As Pornosexual Sometimes I just feel like I need to scream at the top of my lungs in a very busy place about all the obscenities I love, describing my porn addiction in detail. Bellowing out how I'm only really there to buy snacks and drinks for the porn marathon I'm about to have. Shouting out how many hours a day over the last week I have spent watching porn, with 3 of those days being 9, 11.5, and 14.5. I'd wear tight, elastic skinny jeans so the people who are there to observe from the absolute beginning can see how fast my cock is swelling. Harder and harder, bi… 阅读更多内容