I tend to rehash a lot of my submissive experiences in my fantasies. Basically my previous encounters are the building blocks for future kinks. Almost all of my fantasies are about going farther than I have in my past. So here are a few examples of what I mean. These are my actual experiences compared with what I fantasize about. Actual experience: Spankings. Always intense and powerful, but always in privacy with the ability to call a safeword. Fantasy: A public spanking in front of an enthusiastic audience egging my tormentor on. No safeword. Blistered buttocks. Actual experi… 阅读更多内容
Distance Problems
Sometimes I'll read a Domme's profile and I think to myself "oh my God, she's perfect". Then I see where she lives, and it's 2000 miles from me. The air immediately leaves my sails. Why? Because reality sets in. I've tried long distance relationships before, and they almost always have disastrous consequences. Some people get lucky and somehow can make it work, but I'm of the opinion that the closer you are to your partner, the better your chances will be of making it last. How people can maintain a relationship without ever physically meeting is beyond me. At some point you have t… 阅读更多内容
Custom Strapon Harness
I read an entry this morning from a Domme in Canada who also happens to design most of her own BDSM items and sex toys. She's a do-it-yourself type who has too often been disappointed in things that she's bought online or in adult novelty shops. In her case, she's made her own restraints, floggers, St Andrews cross, spanking bench, dozens of kinky costumes, and her own strapon harness. It was her description of the harness that caught my attention. She built it with a "what's in it for me?" attitude. In a nutshell, she wasn't a big fan of pegging her slave because not enough was happeni… 阅读更多内容
Better Now
I'm done with my ranting for the day. I did the unfriend and block thing, and chalked it all up to a bad experience. I'm less angry at her and more angry with myself for being duped. Then again, in the on-line dating world you have to take chance. Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes you're the fire hydrant.… 阅读更多内容
Time to Reload
It's been six days and I haven't heard a damn thing from her. She promised an email Tuesday, and I've written her twice since then as well as called and left a message without a response. It's been nearly a month since I met her, and I've had a grand total of about two hours of face time with her. I feel like a real idiot. Men don't have a monopoly on flakiness. There are women flakes out there, too, and I think I have just wasted time and money on one. It's hard not to take this personally. Was it something I said? Something I didn't say? Did she think I wasn't attractive? Why the… 阅读更多内容
She's Hard to Read
It's been over a week since I've written, but I don't really have that much to report...which is getting frustrating. She travels a lot more for her work than I thought, and when she is in town it seems like she doesn't have much time for me. I did everything she told me to do. She was back in town on Monday, and I took her out to dinner and gave her the $250 gift certificate she told me to buy for her. She didn't thank me for it, which didn't bother me except I guess I had expectations that she might want to spend more time with me. After dinner, she had me drive her straight home and… 阅读更多内容
Step by Step
I am excited. I received an email from her last night with tasks to perform before our next meeting. Unfortunately, she is out of town this week, but at least she has locked in time for me next week. She's a good writer, and as I have mentioned before she's a very detail oriented Domme. The tone of her message was businesslike, and she even used bullet points to emphasize the things I needed to get done before seeing her again. I think she might be a bit of a micromanager in her daily life, but that's really perfect for me. The more information I have to work with, the better my chan… 阅读更多内容
The Call
Late last night she called me. I had gone to bed about an hour earlier so I was a little groggy. It was a short call, but the good news is that she wants to see me again. She told me she was going to be out of town for a few days, but to look for an email from her today. She's a detail person, and I'm sure there are some things she wants me to do before she gets back. I looked at her profile again this morning. There is a long description about her favorite fetishes as well as a couple of erotica entries that were hot as hell. Through our meeting and what's on her profile, I have a p… 阅读更多内容
A Little More than Coffee
Yesterday I had coffee with a Domme I'd been chatting with on another website. I drank far too much coffee and probably babbled more than I should have. She knows a lot about me now which doesn't bother me. I think a second meeting is a possibility, but the ball is in her court. She let me know in no uncertain terms that she was in control, and she would be the one to call me if she was interested in seeing me again. I also found out quite a bit about her. She wasn't a spot on match with her picture, a little older and a little heavier. She changed her hair color, too. To me none o… 阅读更多内容
Starbucks Meeting
I have a Starbucks that's about a half mile from my home. When I meet someone for the first time, it's nearly always for coffee. It's rare that I'll meet someone on line and we're heading for drinks at a bar in the evening. That comes later if things go well at Starbucks. Women want to see you in person and look you over while they're sober, and at the same time test your conversational skills while buzzed on caffeine. So this morning I'm meeting someone I met on collarme.com at the aforementioned Starbucks. We've had a couple of chats on that site, and we share a few kink interests as… 阅读更多内容
Oops, I Did It Again
When the submissive ache gets to be too much, I call a pro Domme to give me what I need. It's kind of crazy to have women beat you for money, but when you don't have a full-time Mistress to serve this is the next best thing. It is expensive, often more expensive than seeking a call girl. However, you're getting your fantasies fulfilled by a stranger, and the props and clothes they use aren't cheap. So I called a Mistress yesterday morning that had an ad on a Dallas backpage. There were many Dommes advertising their services, and most of them are the real deal. The one I selected was a… 阅读更多内容
It's interesting to compare Femdom porn from different countries. A lot of the stuff made in California doesn't strike me as authentic (which of course, it isn't). What you get are porn stars acting in a Dom or sub role. Don't get me wrong, there are still some amazing hot scenes once actors get going, but what adds to the fantasy for me is knowing that the players are real dominants and submissives. Yeah, there are a few companies who hire real Mistresses and subs but I always get the feeling that the scene is staged. Which brings me to Germany. When I watch German Femdom scenes I see… 阅读更多内容
24/7 v. Compartmentalization
It’s interesting to me to read the profiles of the dominant females on this site. While there are a lot of similarities between the professional dominatrices, the lifestyle Femdoms have many different takes on the lifestyle. Generally speaking, matching fetishes are a small part of finding the right submissive. The dominant female of today sees a bigger picture, and most have a unique vision of exactly what they are looking for. Some are looking for men who behave in a submissive manner at times, while others seek a Mistress/slave relationship. There are women who want to be dominant i… 阅读更多内容
From Fat Blob to Skinny Sissy
I read a tidbit this morning about a Domme who transformed her husband into her ideal sissy slave. I don't have a lot of interest in cross-dressing, but I found it very interesting reading coming from the perspective of a dominant female. The cool thing is she wrote the whole plan out step by step: week 1, week 2, etc...for other Mistresses who might find it beneficial. She confessed that she hadn't been attracted to her husband for several years because he had put on weight and lived an unhealthy lifestyle. Rich foods, heavy smoker, heavy drinker, and zero exercise had made him physical… 阅读更多内容
Poophole Loophole
Here's one to wrap your head around. So I'm reading an article on Reddit of all places, and apparently there is a porn star who will not perform vaginal sex because she's Catholic and premarital sex is wrong. Oh she'll do glory hole blowjobs, anal gang bangs, anal strapon, lesbian, two in the ass, top or bottom BDSM, etc..but nothing in the pussy. That would be a sin. On one hand, I'm impressed that she's found a place in her brain where she can do all kinds of filthy, nasty things with strangers and still be true to her religion. On the other, I think she's batshit crazy. Technically s… 阅读更多内容
Full-Time Cuckold
I don't know if half the crap I read on message boards and chat rooms is true, but there is a chastity cuck on cuckoldforum.com who spends all day everyday seeking out bulls for his Mistress. No shit, he's ALWAYS there. Supposedly his Mistress is an insatiable nympho who needs fucking several times a day, and it's his job to not only to find her partners, but to secure blood tests (which he pays for) to make sure they're clean. Here's the kicker, he says that no response with a dick-pic will be refused. Basically, anybody can fuck his wife. My first thought was that any guy who spends a… 阅读更多内容
The Domme Business
I get tired of men bitching about the money it costs when they need the services of a professional Mistress. I read the complaints over and over on message boards, and to some extent I can sympathize with them. Pro domination isn't cheap, but here's my take on why they need to tone it down. When you call a certified plumber to fix your toilet, they'll come your house in a van filled with thousands of dollars of parts and tools so they can get the job done right. They've invested time and money in training so that they can diagnose the problem and fix it in a timely manner. People get up… 阅读更多内容
Earned Orgasm System
I read an interesting tidbit this morning from a Mistress who has developed an intricate system as a way for her slave to earn time out of his chastity cage. While this may seem tedious to some people, she loves the way it holds the slave accountable. He has to work hard and sacrifice constantly for her In a nutshell, she has created a system which assigns points to tasks. He earns points for domestic chores such as scrubbing floors, yard work, cleaning her car, shopping for groceries, making her meals, etc...He earns points for buying her gifts; the bigger the gift the more points. He… 阅读更多内容
Elise Sutton "50/50 Relationship"
This morning I read an interview with noted Femdom author, Elise Sutton. This passage nails it for me regarding equality in relationships. _____________________________________________________ I believe a female-led relationship makes for a happy relationship. Too many people strive for a 50/50 relationship and then wonder why life is so stressful. A 50/50 relationship sounds good in theory, after all we should all strive for equality. But 50/50 means there is no decision maker and everything must be negotiated. That doesn’t work because at the end of day, someone must yield their opinion… 阅读更多内容
Word Slut
I don't know if this is a fetish or not, but I absolutely adore women who can write. There is a lady who posts blog entries daily here and they are so provocative that I usually end up masturbating after I read her. If you are a woman who writes regularly, please let me know so I can read you. I doesn't have to be erotica, but I truly enjoy getting into the minds of the fairer sex.… 阅读更多内容