The Pack Rat...first date

In the world of on-line dating you run across all types. I have profiles on a couple of BDSM sites, and had a dominant lady contact me earlier in the week. We talked on the phone a little, chatted on line, and last night I met her for dinner at a restaurant near her home. We split a bottle of wine and wound up back at her place where she said she was going to give me "an inspection". Needless to say, I was very excited at the prospects and followed her in my car to her place. When she pushed open the door to her house my mind was instantly blown. I have never seen a house so cluttere… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 2

Much Better

I've been culling my friends list slowly and over 300 profiles have been removed. It's amazing how much cleaner and more enjoyable my news feed is now. I haven't read the word "tribute" all day. I still have some work to do. My goal is to eventually have an audience of authentic kinksters who visit my page. What I've removed so far appears to be content producers and women trying to solicit money from jerkoff dudes. Also, I deleted a few crazies who clearly don't understand the meaning of safe, sane and consensual. I started out with the idea that I'd wind up with around 200 friend… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前

Friends List

In the next couple of days I'll be going through all the profiles on my friends list and removing those that do no appear to be real. If we've communicated in any way (messages, comments, etc..) you're safe, do nothing. However, if your profile appears to be set up to solicit money, I'll be removing it from my list. Don't get me wrong, I don't care how a girl makes her living, but being inundated with constant advertisements and solicitations takes a lot of the enjoyment out of this site. I've come to realize that quality is better than quantity. I realize that I'll probably make a fe… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 2

I Can't Do It

I got a call from my friend again last night. She was inebriated like she always is in the evening. She's a beautiful woman, but I find her unattractive when she gets so sloppy. Her words get slurred and her emotions run hot and cold like she's on a roller coaster. The bottom line is that I don't want to get involved with someone who is an alcoholic. To complicate matters, she has a husband who is in jail who will be released within the year. She wants me....bad. She said she would make all my kinky dreams come true and she tried to turn our conversation into phone sex. I wasn't havin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 1

What is it about couples?

A little while ago I wrote about a married couple who is interested in me for part-time play. For several reasons I decided against that, but now I'm up to my neck in a situation with a different couple. I'm really looking for someone single and available, but that's not who I am meeting. I went to a New Year's Eve party at a hotel ballroom with a female friend I've known for many years. She actually has a husband but he is currently incarcerated for tax evasion and fraud. Hubby knows me since college days and trusts me, and I would never agree to escorting a married woman to a party… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前

Keeping Up Appearances

Over the years I've met some really cool people in the fetish world. Like any subculture, after a while you see a lot of the same people over and over and in the process get to know them. Most of the kinksters I know are very successful people: lawyers, politicians, business owners, teachers, corporate types, etc...Nearly all of them are in the closet for obvious reasons. Some of them could lose their jobs or worse if pictures of their fetish play ever came to light. At the munches and play parties I've been to, everybody uses an alias yet most feel comfortable exchanging email and cell… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 1

An Interesting Offer

I'm still looking for a LTR with a Mistress, but I have something that might fill the void until I can find Her. I've been chatting with a married woman who would like to dominate me with her husband. Her husband isn't really into the D/s part of it, but he is a bisexual top and would be present at all times. Her offer isn't entirely free. Basically, the way she wants it is that I will be their slave one day a week (Saturdays) and spend the day doing chores and running errands for them. I would be responsible for buying groceries and alcohol for dinner which, of course, I would be respons… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 4

Sissy Commitment

I just posted pics of some sissies that actually look good feminized. It got me thinking about what makes a sissy hot or repulsive. For the most part what it boils down to is a commitment to do the things that women do to make themselves beautiful and feminine. Crossdressing is a turnoff for a lot of women, and it's easy to figure out why. A hairy, overweight, middle-aged man throws on a pair of panties and a bra and thinks it's a sexy look for his Mistress. Nope, that's not going to get it done. Commitment is the key word, and it starts with your body. First off the beer gut has to g… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 1

Advice for Handling Disobedient Slaves

I read an interesting message on a Femdom chat board this morning that judging from the number of responses is very common problem for Mistresses. Basically the Domme was asking advice about the best way to deal with a disobedient slave who would not follow her directives. My first thought was what she was doing with a guy who claims to be a slave, but won't follow commands. Indeed a lot of the responses on the message board were of the "dump him" variety, but I have a different take on it. Part of being dominant is the ability to seize control and not relinquish it. Males are often… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 3

High Protocol v Low Protocol

I read an interesting blog entry this morning comparing high and low protocol training which explained the benefits and drawbacks for both. What caught my attention the most was the amount of effort a high protocol Domme had to exert when training a sub or slave. Basically the blog boiled it down to "what you expect, you must inspect". As the old saying goes a slave is a reflection of his Mistress. The strictest protocol is often referred to as high protocol (I've also heard it called "old guard"). There are usually many details for both Domme and sub to remember. I can list a few examp… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前

Xhamser Is a Strange Place

So I've been on this site for a little more than four months now and I've definitely gotten a feel for who uses it and how it is used. You have folks who drop by to get their porn fix, you've got daters, you've got the people who earn their living in the sex business, you've got scammers, you've got kinksters, you've got voyeurs and exhibitionists, you've got curiosity seekers, you've got fakes, you've got misfits, you've got cyber players,....but mostly you've got a lot of masterbaters. I get the sense that there are a lot of people who would like to communicate here, but for one reason… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 2

No Substitute for Experience

Let's face it, don't you feel better about getting on board an airplane that has a pilot with a gray head of hair like he's been doing the job for a long time? How different would you feel about the pilot being young and only a few weeks removed from his internship? You probably still would get on that plane but you'd be a lot more nervous about the guy's lack of flight time. Experience matters in most professions. Here's my point. For a dominatrix, training and experience are especially important not only for the enjoyment of the client, but also for his/her safety. I cringe when I see… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 3

The Aspiring Cuckoldress

Most of my xhamster friends are women, and I love reading their blog posts. Despite the fact that there are so many scams going on here, the blogs tend to be a bit more honest. That's not to say that some women use the blogs for profit, but for the most part women have things they want to get off their chest (pardon the pun). When a woman posts a blog, there are normally many responses so they get feedback...and most (not all) of the guys keep it reasonably positive. This morning I read a post from a woman who confessed that she could never be faithful in a relationship again. While som… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 4

What I'm Looking for

I've been getting messages from all kinds of people at this site. Often money is involved, and don't get me wrong because I know a girl's got to make a living. I'm not judging, but I'm not looking for someone to jackoff to. I have profiles on several BDSM sites, but one of my friends suggested this one because of the number of members. It is true that I've found a lot of profiles from women who identify as dominant or switch, so it's probably good that I stick around for a while. So in the interest of time, I'm going to share a lot about myself here so that you pretty much know what you a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 2

Domme Mom

I stumbled across an interesting profile on another site yesterday. It was a rather pedestrian looking page in many respects. The owner was a divorced dominant female in her 30's looking for a domestic slave to clean house and do yard work. The profile didn't contain a lot of details, videos, or pictures; however, there were a few lengthy blog posts which I read with fascination. If those posts were true, then I've been missing out on a whole new way of thinking about motherhood and Femdom. Most of the dominant women that I know go to great lengths to shelter their c***dren from their l… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 2

Women in the Adult Industry

For me there is definitely a mystique about a woman who works in the sex business. Strippers, hookers, dominatrix's, nude/fetish models, porn stars, cam girls, phone sex, etc...all have a certain allure to me. Nice girls don't really do it for me, unless of course they have a nasty side that lurks beneath. I don't buy the idea that most women who choose these occupations are forced into it. I have no doubt there are plenty of creepy men who try to lure women with promises of big money if they will become a sex worker, but by and large I think today's women are more knowledgeable and abl… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前

Poker Face

It was about midnight and we were all getting tired. It had been a long evening. There was a garbage can near the table filled with empty beer cans, and the stench of smoke filled the room. People seated at the table were the host, his wife, two of his friends, and me. The host is a friend of mine who I’ve referenced on this blog before. He used to own a couple of titty bars, then cashed out and is sort of semi-retired now. We played tennis together a lot before my knee went bad, but still stay in touch. Since I saw him last, he married one of his dancers, who by the way didn’t look all t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前

In Defense of the Size Queen

I love size queens. It's not because I have a big cock and need a big pussy to put it in. I'm about five inches and no woman is going to mistake me for Long Dong Silver. So shouldn't I be looking for a woman who prefers a smaller penis? Here's the psychology behind it from my submissive point of view. A size queen knows what she wants and isn't going to settle for less. I am less. I am inadequate, but I am not inadequate in all ways. She may keep me around for a lot of reasons, but in the end she's going to be fucking the trophy cock. This makes me want her all the more, in spite of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 2

The motivation behind my status changes

There was a guy I used to work with who had a little chalkboard hanging from the wall of his office. Every day he would write a new goofy comment, and everyone would swing by in the morning to see what he wrote. Sometimes the comments were funny, sometimes serious, usually off-the-wall, but always entertaining. It was a great way to start the day before getting to the drudgery of work. There came a day when he left and went to work somewhere else, but he left me the chalkboard. The rest of the staff expected me to carry the ball so to speak, and come up with the new words of the day. I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前 4

Dominant v. Dominate

I don't know if this bothers anyone else, but it's hard to take someone seriously in the BDSM lifestyle when they interchange dominant and dominate. I see both men and women making usage mistakes frequently with these words. Incorrect: "I am seeking a dominate Mistress". No, you're seeking a dominant Mistress. Incorrect: "I want to dominant my wife". No, you want to dominate your wife. Below are definitions, synonyms, pronunciation, and sentence examples if you need help, or just keep using the words incorrectly if your purpose is to torture the literate. Dominate… 阅读更多内容

发表者 slave4owner 9 年 前