OK so Ive been thinking about posting a list of things I have or have not done for sometime now but haven't ever got around to it and I'm bored now so here it goes I have........ Ive fucked guys Ive fucked girls I've ate pussy I can squirt Ive Had 3 ways with both fmf and mfm Taken it in the ass Swallowed cum Had cum on my face (And in my hair >.<) Had cum in both my pussy and in my ass And on my ass and tits (I like cum lol just not in my hair lol) I've been tit fucked I've sucked dick and can deep throat I've given rim jobs I've fucked while people watched I've fu… 阅读更多内容
how it went with Bob Saturday
Well I've posted some pics that I pulled from the 7 vids from that night I posted the first one last night The second one today.... I was thinking about waiting just posting 1 or 2 a day but IDK Anyway we played more with bondage and I'm impressed Bob remembered what I taught him last time even though its been 2 weeks since I seen him but we still went over them and I showed him something new he really could have some skill After we finished his lesson well I have pics up.... I was bound to a table on my hands and knees by my wrists and ankles so I could move but not off the t… 阅读更多内容
I seen Darla yesterday it was fun really we just talked more opened up a little on both sides She told me she liked it rough and I can't wait to play with her she also said she never makes the first move... she wants me to and she wants to c me this weekend but I'm really busy so I told her maybe sun but IDK On a side note I won't c Bob this weekend not cuz I'm busy but cuz he has a date this weekend!?!?! so Idk he could have lied he didn't have to tell but he did my first reaction was hurt then came pissed I wanted to delete his number and everything never talk to him again but I d… 阅读更多内容
i have a question for u
So I have this fantasy that one of my fans will recognize me when out in public so I have a question what would u do and I don't want I'd fuck u then and there cuz u wouldn't I mean like what if u seen me sitting alone in a Starbucks or something reading a book I'd have on a nice low cut shirt maybe a mini skirt or something show off my long legs and my tat and that would be how u recognized me what would u do????… 阅读更多内容
lastnight with Bob
OK well first I guess I should tell u that I posted 4 new vids last night so pls show them some love when they post The sex was amazing Bob is amazing and I can't wait for the vids to go up the first one is of him ripping my clothes off so fucking hot the second is of my sucking his dick and I loved it then we kinda said fuck the camera and he took me on the bed first fucking my pussy then my ass I was so fucking wet it was incredible I'm came so fucking hard on his cock the sex really was amazing Then we played with some bondage he isn't horrible but he picked up quicker than most he co… 阅读更多内容
history repeats itself
ok so my first real gf wasn't really my gf she was my best friend but it wasn't just us we had one other girl in our little pack and the 3 of us did everything together the one girl was blonde lets call her Blondie the other was a red head lets call her Red so.... Blondie was my best friend and yeah we fooled around a lot and would share guys sometimes but we both still had r own guys ive never relly dated a girl my girlfriends have always been my best friends and it always seems to be in 3 with Blondie and Red it was more me and Blondie than anything but Red would always follow our lead… 阅读更多内容
i seen her panties
OK so when Darla and I made plans to have lunch today she told me she had new panties that she wanted to show me cuz....... they had Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ^_^ We had talked before about how I was a nerd girl well she is to and we r both TMNT fans so when we went our to her suv for her to get her cigarette in the parking lot next to her big SUV she in zipped her pants and showed me her ass and every thing hell yeah Well then after we was talking nerdy lol and it came down to batman or supper man I like batman she likes supper man and then I told her that she must really be the go… 阅读更多内容
OK so I seen Darla again today I always have so much fun with her what can a say she makes me laugh She asked me what I wanted with her was I infatuated or.... ??? I told her I was open to whatever got me close to her she seemed to really like that she said we need to hang out again soon and wanted to know what I would want to do in the past she has asked if I wanted to go for dinner and a movie or whatever well when she asked this time I hesitated I couldn't help but smile and giggle a little before telling her we would think of something Well then she pointed out that I had hesitated… 阅读更多内容
i hate rain
OK normally I really like rain... but not today today a hate fucking rain OK so first I haven't given u an update on Darla since I told u we was going to the fair well I went she didnt and she didnt text me and I was pissed ....OK so maybe not pissed but I wasn't happy and when I first seen her today I ignored her talked to someone else with my back to her and then as soon as the other person walked away I started to go my way but Darla started trying to talk to me I cut her off and so r u talking to me now She was all sweet and sad and sry and forcibly hugging me and made me laug… 阅读更多内容
my talk with gambit
OK so when he text me the other day he was on his way back from a 4th of July weekend out of state he got back late well later than he thought he would be I was sleeping but I got up I was only half awake he apologized for wakeing me and we just laid in bed with him holding me really more for him than me but it was nice yeah we fucked We did talk a little but just from my side of thing like about his brother and my lesbian he said I wouldn't have to give Darla up but IDK how Darla would feel about that and I asked if he brother would be a dick cuz his brother is always a dick but I d… 阅读更多内容
Omg gambit
OK so gambit text me last night and umm he wanted to know if I would date him exclusively OMG WTF.... OK so for anyone that doesn't know Gambit is like my fuck buddy I've been fucking him for years now but we've never dated I mean we r cool and way back after I'd been fucking him for just a few months and told him I'd be open to more he stopped talking to me for a bit before we started fucking again but since then its been just sex for me anyway Oh and umm I might have met him on my first date with his brother who is an ass BTW So yeah once I'd have been OK with more and I've bee… 阅读更多内容
damn it
OK so a few of my vids have been sideway well I remember this time and thought I had it not sideways well its not sideways its upside fucking down and I'm pissed I'm thinking about stopping it before it even goes up the second vid won't matter so it will be fine but u may oy. E getting one new vid now… 阅读更多内容
lunch with Darla
OK so I just had lunch with Darla I don't really count it as a date but was still fun she commented on how I cant look at her without smiling and we talked more about our plans for the fair and how I'm terrified of heights and just can't ride a ferris wheel on my own that seemed to excite her… 阅读更多内容
OK so my second date has been postponed dissapointing I know but girl and I still text every day things r going well but nothing really worth mentioning I posted a new vid last night that I'm excited about I can't wait to read your comments on it I had so much fun last night making the new vid I may do another one tonight I just wish i had someone to play with I mean I know I have my stallions Gambit and Link but I'm bored and now I have my lesbain Darla and she has been very clear she wants me I just have to make time for her I just really wish she was bi and not a full blown lesbian… 阅读更多内容
first date with my lesbian
OK so first she needs a name I'm a buffy/angel fan so I'm going to call her Darla not cuz she looks or acts like her or is even a fan but cuz she calls me darling all the time So Darla and I had I our first date last night went very well and she text me last night after and our next date is for tomorrow night Second date hell yeah… 阅读更多内容
she is a lesbian
OK so I think I told u but I can't remember but I met a girl that I thought was a lesbain and she is And she has been hitting on me and flirting with me and she has been trying to figure out if I'm bi and well today I kinda let her know OK so her and this guy I know that is gay was talking and laughing and I think she was telling him about me and her flirting earlier that day but as I came up I asked her what was so funny as he walked away she said I wouldn't get it that its a gay thing and I just smiled at her and said u never know i just might as I walked away she was all wait what but I… 阅读更多内容
drinks with baby girl
OK so when I seen baby girl the other day she was complaining that she was tired I asked what she had been doing all night apparently she had been out with some friends drinking but she hadn't drank anything I laughed about that and asked her if she even drank... she does She went on to say that I seemed to think she was a good girl and I do I told her I did she didn't seem to like that and it only made me laugh she said she wasnt a good girl so I asked her just what kind of girl she was then looking her up and down as provocatively as I could that made her blush and fumble around for wor… 阅读更多内容
i gave in
OK so I gave in I fucked link last night.... and this morning lol Took a short clip a little better than the last not by much but i still posted it maybe one day I'll take the time to set it up before so u can c more of us… 阅读更多内容
OK so I seen baby yesterday she wanted to know y I hadn't text her and she was looking forward to our next movie date and so on she gave me agit for not texting her lol its was adorable And I met a new girl today I like her lol I don't have a name for her yet cuz I don't know her to well she is into as tall or as girly as most girls I go for if I had to guess I'd say she is a lesbian but IDK I haven't asked she is funny and always laughing at one point that we was talking and I swear it was relevant to the conversation but I said I didn't care for sausage and she cracked up I'm telling u s… 阅读更多内容
next vid maybe
OK so my last pics was of this old top I had that I cut up and tied.... I had fun and got some cute pics For my next vid or pic set I was thinking about doing it again only this time rope bondage over an outfit and then cut it off under the rope slowly exposing more of myself But then just a min ago I seen an add on here of some girl pouring water over her white top that could be a good quickie vid... So what do u think I should do next???… 阅读更多内容