Truth is I'm bored Link and gambit r the only guys I'm fucking and yeah they r great in bed but they r my stallions I've been fucking them for years and I'm bored I'm thinking about stopping... like not fucking them or anyone c how long I can go with out I've never had to go with out IDK what's wrong with me I went shopping the other day and as I was waiting in line to check out this guy was in front of me in his late 30s tall cute clean cut fit kind of guy and all I could think about was how I wanted to expose my self to him and ask him to spank my pussy I blame Bob for this he go… 阅读更多内容
all the players in this game
OK so first I guess I should start off with who's cock is in that vid.... It was link I need to take a better one I know but tbh kinda wasn't my first priority at the time lol Link is fine he is a good lay the man fucks like a bull last time I seen him I asked him how other girls take him he didn't get it at first but its like OK I can take a lot but u have a massive cock u fuck deep and hard and u just keep going most girls I know can't take rough sex like that he laughed about that and was like yeah I know he went on to tell me about how with other girls he doesn't get off most times they… 阅读更多内容
should i post the new vid???
Ok so I took a new vid..... like I just took but OK so I think its hot but its off most of it u can c anything bit u can hear the wet sounds of me being fucked umm c the vid is of me being fucked from behind doggy style with the can under me looking up it dies have a few sec of close up on my pussy be king fucked before it moves and the rest is just his leg and min and sound its not long and most of it is off but I think wet sounds and close up r hot I do plan to retake it but IDK when so I guess I'm asking if u guys want to c it or wait for a better… 阅读更多内容
new vids ^_^
OK so one of the 3 vids is up it worked so now I know I can take more and I will be so let me know what u want to c in comments here the more people that ask for something the more likely it is I will do it And link is willing to make vids for xhamster he knows I'll post them but not where so he isnt like reading this he knows i post pics and vids but he doesnt know about the blog He does want opinions so don't forget to comment anyvids with him in them cuz I'll show him what u say And u know I always love your comments :-*… 阅读更多内容
the girls just left
Wow that was amazing couldn't have gone better in glad she brought her sister they r both cool it was all pg we looked at some of my dresses and corsets and stuff like I showed them the black for Catwoman cosplay and the lust dressed and we talked about all of doing. The three links and how I wanted to make the shields like back pack and just lots of cute girl stuff we all chilled on the couch and watched Dr who and giggled and talked and had outlr girl time was great they plan to come back soon… 阅读更多内容
so far
OK so sugar was going to come last night to paint my face and body like venom but she never text me and I was so busy last night I never txy her most of my being busy last night was with friends and family but link spent the night with me last night I'm not worried about sugar I got busy I'd say she got busy its no big thing it can be put off and its for the best that she wasn't here with link Anyway when link text last night wanting to come over I told him that was fine but he couldn't stay today cuz I had a girl coming over and we talked about her and other things link is willing to m… 阅读更多内容
baby girl is killing me
OK so tomorrow is our movie date She just text me like 10mins ago said she just got off work could she come over now..... of course u can baby But now we r back on for tomorrow and she is going to bring her twin sister with her omg ....OK so I have a thing for twins I've never had a set but its hot for mW anyway ya know its not my sister so while her twin being here in my head would just make things better kinda puts a dent in my game ya know I little harder to hit on a girl with her sister there Next she will want to bring her brother I've met 3 of them one of them has it bad f… 阅读更多内容
just talked to sugar
Sugar wants to come over sun and paint my face and chest like venom I can't wait I told her I had a great black corset for it ^_^ I'll post some pics… 阅读更多内容
Baby and I had lunch again today. I told her I had finished my lust dress but didn't tell her I had pics I'll wait to show her in person. We talked about how I altered it and she told me she knew someone else that did so a lot. Then she started talking about corsets.... she started talking about corsets omg yes!!! I told her I had several. Something else to show her. She asked about when she could come over I said yeah sry about that I know we still needs to have our movie date. Her face lit up and she smiled real bi. This is the first time I've called it a movie date ive always called it a ma… 阅读更多内容
my dream lastnight
First let me say it wasn't a wet dream I know its disappointing for me to but it gets worse..... It was about Bob I was at this thing it wasn't really a party to pg for that but a lot of people was there IDK what it was it just was and of course Bob was there with some new girl she was cute but I left after I seen them I tried to leave town but the bridge was out and then guess who is behind me Bob and his girl Every one is stuck and can't leave town I am not a very happy girl I woke up after that but now I've had Bob stuck in my head and its pissing me off… 阅读更多内容
what ive been doing
OK so I haven't posted a new blog in like forever I've been busy I even went to the circus and some random guy asked if he could take a pic with me cuz he thought I was in the show lol I guess I can get it c I tried to go the week before but they sold out so this time we went early and was the first ones there didn't know where to park so we parked by the others only it was all the circus peoples like back area so I guess I was in back I could c it maybe poor guy he was so embarrassed when he found out I wasn't in the show I've seen link nothing new he got here late kept me up late and then… 阅读更多内容
lunch with Baby girl
OK first she was a little bit late and I could tell she was a little disappointed by that and apologized several times I wasn't really hungry so I just had a cherry coke float lol I have a bit of a sweet tooth She came and sat down with me before going to get her self something to eat I could tell she was hungry but I had to send her away to get food she didn't want to leave me even for a few mins I liked that but didn't say anything I she is also very obedient and seems yo just do what I tell her I told her how good she looked that day as soon as she sat down and she did she always doe… 阅读更多内容
Sugar and Baby
I seen my girl today and I'm really over calling her my girl so I think I'm going to start calling her Baby So... I have 2 girls kinda Sugar who is with my friend Buddy that I've only just met but I've tied her up and she has a bit of thing for me in that she has asked to keep me as a pet and even offered to be my little bondage model then I have Baby I've know her for some time noe and have been taking my time with her cuz unlike sugar baby seems to be sweet and innocent and I don't want to a scare her away I did c baby today she was disappointed that I hasn't asked her to have lunch… 阅读更多内容
lastnight part 2
OK so it wasnt last night but this is the second part of what I did whit link the other night First off when it comes to sex with link well its like running a marathon when I say it take all night for me to get him off even once I mean it and it doesn't even have to be constant u know what I mean but that's the real impressive part even when we aren't doing anything for a little bit he stays hard like we can fuck and he will make me cum again and again he won't get off we will lay around and talk cuddle whatever and he will just stay fucking hard like he complains about it some times and he… 阅读更多内容
OK so I haven't been able to send pm for a few weeks now IDK y Now... I can't leave comments But it gave me a reason..... I haven't ever verified my email for xhamster Should be easy to fix..... no c I didn't want any ties to xhamster so I made a new email kinda I never verified it either I don't have it and to change it I have to verify it through a link that they send to that email that I don't have >.< Damn so now I've sent them an email telling xhamster what's up idk what they will do lets hope it gets better and not worse Cuz at this point the only way it can get w… 阅读更多内容
lastnight part 1
OK so link is passed out in my bed now I thought about wakeing him but c I know once we start he won't be letting me go anytime soon we was up all night tbh I'm a little sore and he only got off the once he only ever gets off once and it takes all night c I've always felt lucky cuz I get off easy again and again.... most of the time anyway Oh he is awake I hope I didn't start this for nothing..... ....OK nvm umm anyway link yeah he takes forever to get off and I mean yeah its great that he is always ready to keep going but really I feel like I'm getting jiped I should be able to make… 阅读更多内容
link is off tomorrow
Well I've talked to link... Not about sugar... umm he is off tomorrow I haven't had him since before Bob last time I seen him he had told me that he was pissed off at buddy and talked about sugar who I hadn't met yet I've talked to link a few times this week and now he is off tomorrow and wants to stay with me tonight IDK if I should tell him I met sugar or not I mean he knows me and buddy r well buddies I think I just want to let him talk about what ever he wants not bring it up but not hide it Y can't every one just get along ......................................… 阅读更多内容
wtf should i do now
OK so gambit and I have been flucking since Bob left gambits always been my favorite stallion has been for years but we don't text or talk a lot we joke that the only time we talk is when we r forced to do so cuz we have exhausted ourselfs and have no choice but to talk till we can go again anway lol the sex is great but its never enough for me.... a girl needs someone to talk to and txt dirty pics of her self to lol Anyway its fun nothing wrong with it but its not enough Link is also a stallion that I don't text much but that's cuz he likes to talk on the phone not like phone sex or any… 阅读更多内容
random bondage party part 2
OK so my last bondage party was just a random fun no sex kind of night with link and a good friend of mine that I've not done anything with ever and never will Well last time I taught them both a few tricks This time my friend let's call him Buddy is bringing his girlfriend over for me to meet and maybe teach them a few things again this is strictly educational no sex but still a fun night for me ^_^… 阅读更多内容