My girl called me she is going to have to stay late at work and wanted to know if we could post pone our night for a day she was off that we could have more time How disappointing lol but its ok I can wait and she wants to spend a whole day with me ^_^… 阅读更多内容
Gambit always was my favorite I've seen him... I've talked to him he knew about Bob and now he knows how it ended he came by my place he couldnt stay he was just here for a few mins to hold me and kiss me sweetly we didn't do anything and that's a first but I could tell he didn't want to go it was kinda cute and funny He text me a little bit ago that's y I'm up this is a bit late even for me He wanted me to unlock the door that's kind of our thing he text me and tells me to leave my door unlocked when I go to bed and then sometime that night he will let himself in to wake me I ha… 阅读更多内容
ive talked to my girl...
I text my girl She will be at my place tomorrow I'm getting fresh ink... like now Ohhhhh..... he is next to my knee now omg Umm........ anyway my girl is coming tomorrow and she likes my ink she has been waiting for me to get more done i havent told her im geting more tonight i thought id let her be surprised I'll be all wounded and cute and have to rub tat wax in to my legs now and then and be all sexy I'll keep u posted… 阅读更多内容
goodbye bob
I just text Bob and said... I have enjoyed every min with u and would gladly do it all again.... while I have no problem waiting on u im srybu I'm not going to wait on someone that can't or just doesn't want to c or even talk to me... I'm sry and as much as it hurts me to say it I think this is goodbye :'-* So I guess I just left Bob but it doesn't feel like it... I feel like I've been dumped we haven't talked in days I've wanted to but I didn't want to text him and bug him if he wasn't wanting to talk to me I did text him yesterday asking him if he still wanted to c me fri night… 阅读更多内容
my girl
OK so she isn't my girl but I want her to be I've been working on this for sometime Bob knows about it only cuz I asked if it was OK for me to have a girl it was OK Well she is. Dr who fan... so I watched the first season of Dr who just to have something to talk to her about any way now she and I r going to have a Dr who marathon Friday now Friday night is my night with Bob but I'm off all day and he will be at work he won't make it to town till like 8ish when I asked her she said she has to work till 2 I told her we could put it off but she really wants to she has been looking forward to… 阅读更多内容
history repeats itself
If u don't learn from the past... u r destin to repeat it In the past I've had a problem with not letting the man I'm with get enough sleep like really clear rules must be set cuz I guess people need sleep or something who knew lol cuz I will keep them up all night and wake them up early and like everyone says oh that's great till they have done it a few times then its all grrrrr need sleep I'm trying to be good I really am...... so that's y I went in the other room and didnt just stay in bed with Bob it was way to early and if I had stayed in bed with him.... I wouldn't be able to… 阅读更多内容
the morning after
I was with Bob last night.... He shaved his face for me he didn't have to but I'm glad he did he also got a hair cut but that wasnt for me... he looked great We went out this time it was a lot of fun I had a great time we went to a few different places around my town that i wanted to show him I think he liked them One of the things we did was go for a walk on this path I know back in the woods and I noticed something.... he likes to lead and he doesn't like to follow or maybe its just me he doesn't like to follow I don't mind to tell the truth I kinda like it and I do like to fo… 阅读更多内容
just to clarify
ok so I try to tell you what im doing with who and what they really r to me I recently got a pm from one of my fans that I really liked even if I think they have a few things wrong so this is what they sent me after my blog "I was with bob lastnight" From what I could read, it looks like the problem is that you don’t want to commit to anyone, or, that the one you want to commit to doesn’t want to commit to you. I’d say that the first one is more likely, but well address both. Gambit asked if it was official between you and Bob because he wants it to be official between you and him. I… 阅读更多内容
ok well ive told u a lot but ive never told u one of my fantasy and just now as I was on xhamster I may have been touching my self... this once a week thing with bob is killing me but its always well worth the wait anyway I uh feel better now and I thought my fans might want to know what I think about when I touch myself ok so I was watching some of my fave vids that I hadn't watched in some time tbh I post more than anything else but tonight I was watching stuff and as I watched I thought what a lucky slut and how I needed cock then I thought about how I would like to c my girl get f… 阅读更多内容
i was with bob lastnight
I spent lastnight with bob its the first time ive ever had trouble sleeping next to him I want to think it was just cuz it was a bit hot or maybe it had something to do with how far he had pushed me lastnigh ok so here is how our night went he got here late again lol he always tells me he is sry and its cute I know he will be late it doesn't bother me tbh I was counting on it last time and then he wasn't late and that made me late lol he had earned some bonus points so I took the time to curl my hair for him and my hair looks great in curls btw I didn't know if we would go anywhere so I… 阅读更多内容
last weekend with bob
every time ive seen bob he has always been late... but not last weekend last weekend I was late and he had to wait on me :( he didn't seem to mind and I wasn't that late but I hate to make him wait the sub in me wants to be ready for him I even got him some jack this time he seems to like it more than beer and I can get the right kind of that lol I put the jack on ice as soon as I got home in the hope that it would get cold for him when he got here this time I wasn't dressed in a corset or anything special like last time just the same pants and top I had on all day with a plain bla… 阅读更多内容
so sweet
im going to c bob tomorrow I haven't seen him in 2 weeks cuz he was busy last weekend and ive missed him i also have a new corset and i think we r going to play with some of my rope this time idk if we will take any more pics or not but if we do i will post them i cant wait to c bob but.. I got a new phone.... I gave the old one to a friend of mine but before I reset it I went over all my old txts I like to save things ill lock a txt and save it if its sweet or sexy.... or if it hurts I had a lot more txts locked than I thought I had some from gambit and bob but none from link a… 阅读更多内容
fun with bob
Bob came over lastnight to finish the movie we didn't finish lastweekend well we didn't get to finish it this weekend to tell the truth we didn't even start it... First off he was late but that was ok cuz I was a bit late myself and it gave me more time to get ready I had told bob a few days before that I was going shoping after I sent him pics of a new corset I had got and asked if he would like me to wear it for him.... well he didn't say no lol I wore my new corset and panties a long black skirt thigh highs and a garter belt I rushed a little cuz I was a bit late myself so I was glad… 阅读更多内容
a few more dirty details
This last weekend with bob when he came over to c a movie (that we didn't finsh btw) I got to do a few things that I didn't get to the time before I told u that I got to take him in my ass and as he is an ass man this was somthing that I really wanted to do but I was also able to do something else for him that I didn't last time This time I was able to deep throat his cock ^_^ Now I love to suck cock and I can deep throat but small cock works best for this its easy lol Bobs cock is big and thick and I was only able to do so to him when he wasn't realy fully hard if I can get him to… 阅读更多内容
my first
I'm 25 now so this has been 9 years ago I know now that he was only 20 at the time I thought he was 21 cuz he drank a lot and my favorite thing in the world to do at the time was to sit in his lap and face him with one leg on each side of him so I could push on him and feel it when he got hard and I love to make out with him and feel him kiss on my neck I had let him touch me a few times but not very many and I hadn't let him eat me out I wouldn't let a man do so to me for a long time and even then not ofteni was self consious but any way He knew I was a virgin and he didnt try to fuck… 阅读更多内容
how my movie date went
I had a movie date with "date guy" ya know I realy don't like calling him that I think I will call him Bob cuz he is a builder lol Well Bob and I had a great night (idk that I realy like bob >.< the name not the guy I like the guy lol) but he didn't finish the movie I've seen it he has been wanting to c it and we didn't even finish grr Oh well I guess he will just have to come back now lol I put my plug in about 15 before he should have been there... but he was a little late so I had it in more than 30mins before he got there so I was ready.... when he fingered my pussy he told me… 阅读更多内容
my date went so well last weekend that I asked date guy if he wanted to come watch a movie with me at my place he is going to stay with me tomorrow night and ill have him all to myself ^_^ I cant wait to curl up with him and watch a movie we have talked about his wanting to fuck my ass I asked him if he wanted me to put my plug in before he got here so I would be ready for him and he does... im a little nervous but excited at the same time he has also given me the order that I cant do anything to myself :-/ grrr but ill be good and do as he has asked so now im waiting I got p… 阅读更多内容
i love when random guys hit on me
I just went in circle k to get a polar pop I like cherry coke btw but as I was getin my pop random guy walks up to get a pop looks me up and down and says u look nice today gjuy is kind of cute but not tall enough for my taste I thank him and he say well u look beautiful and u should have some one tell u that everyday that was it I went my way he went his but it made my day So... if it was u what would u have said to make me smile?… 阅读更多内容
All the dirty details
Idk what to say so I guess ill just start when I started to take my clothes off…. We had just got back to my place we were in my room and he was looking at my books he asked me where the bathroom was I told him and after he left I took off my ear rings and necklace I had worn a mini skirt and strapless top with some knee high boots now normally I like thigh highs tights but my skirt was to short for that so I just had on normal tights I wanted to have them off before he got back and I did when he came back in to the room I had my shoes and tights and panties off I still had on my skirt and b… 阅读更多内容
how my date went lastnight
Ok so.... I met date guy at a bar lastnight I did drink but I didn't get drunk this time I got there first he was a little late but not by much and I didn't mind I had 3 guy try to pick me up as I waited one went so far as to touch my leg under the table I seen him as soon as he walked in I could c him looking around for me but there was enough people he didn't c me not at first I got to just watch him for a min I liked that But I stood up and waved him overi think more than a few of the guys there was a little disappointed when he got there I think they was hopen he wouldn't show so… 阅读更多内容