Second best..... OK so who thinks I should ever be second best? Not me I'm just not a second place kind of girl... but we will get back to that later So will... OK I may have had sex with will I know I shouldn't have I was trying not to have sex with any one but we started talking again he text me said he had been really busy with his new classes and to be fair I did know he had just started new classes just before we quit talking... but I think its more than that and I've talk to him and he knows everything about be and link but its OK Oh and will he isn't a cukold he just nee… 阅读更多内容
So I talked to link... he told me that he bad accused will of fucking me will said he hadn't a link didn't believe him but its true I've never fucked will anyway when I talked to link I told him the truth that I had stopped talking to him cuz I wasn't fucking anyone and that I couldn't c him with out fucking him that's y I stopped talking to him he asked y I wasn't having sex I told him because I wanted someone to care and he told me he did care link knows that I'm a poor liar and he believes me that I'm not fucking anyone and I haven't fucked will I didn't tell him we had kissed or anything… 阅读更多内容
will power
OK so the movie date the other night went well the movie was good we cuddled as we watched it after I spent some time in his lap facing him letting him kiss me and my neck and chest as I slid back and forth over his hard cock I could feel it in his pants we did this for a long time I really enjoyed all the kissing and he did pully tits out this time he got to c them and play with them he sucked on my nipples but didn't bite them After some time we moved from the couch where we had watched the movie to my bed in my room more kissing and touching he let me stroke his cock but when I went to s… 阅读更多内容
dress up lastnight
So I posted a status last night that said a guy was on his way over to watch me play dress up.... So I guess I should start by telling u what led up to him coming over to watch me play dress up well he text me asked what I had been doing I'd been shopping I had new stuff he asked to c I agreed but told himwhile the new stuff was cute it would never be my favorites he wanted to c them as well and really a girl doesn't need a reason to play dress up I put on corsets and mini skirts and dress even a few things I've never posted pics of on here and it was fun but no touching no watching me… 阅读更多内容
new year started off with a girl kiss
OK so the girl kiss wasn't at midnight... I met the girls yes girls 2 girls just after midnight First off I should say that I had planed to meet a guy at the bar really just the friend of a friend I've been talking to but really just as friends he was going to meet me there... his ideal BTW but then he text he last night and tools me he was sick and it like OK but in the back of my mind I'm thinking is he just blowing me off??? :-\ But why would he it was his ideal So I go to the bar anyway yes the one that the DJ works at and I did talk to him just a little bit to c if we were… 阅读更多内容
dj called
OK so I've told u that DJ chose someone else over me and told me not to kiss him anymore.... well he tried to call me the other day but I didn't notice it till later and then he sent me a msg today wanting to Skype with me >.< Before he blew me off for some other girl he went out of town for a bit and we did Skype that once but he hasn't talked to me at all since he picked her and now he wants to Skype with me..... ha I still think he is fun to be around and would hope to stay on speaking terms and I told him so but that I wasn't going to be doing anything with him after he chose some… 阅读更多内容
bit down
I'm a bit down today and idk y I've had a good day.... I guess I just idk feel all alone I guess like I haven't been able to talk to people I normally would and my nice guy that isn't even mine is out of state on Christmas vacation to some place nice and sunny I've not talked to him since he left I've given up my boys so I'm not getting any And then the DJ well the girl the one that he told me he wasnt interested in me cuz he was interested in someone else yeah that girl I know her have since I was like 13 and I've always hated her she is a bitch and a slut not just saying that cuz… 阅读更多内容
links birthday
Damn it OK so I just decided to keep being good and then fb tells me its links birthday today and birthdays r a big thing for me and now idk what to do cuz I want to tell him happy birthday but if I do I know what he will want for his birthday... sex Grrrrrrr So do I ignore links birthday on the chance that I might like this new guy that I've only been talking to for like a week when I've been fucking link as long as I have... idk what to do Not he other hand he didn't tell me happy birthday so I don't have to feel that bad but if he calls me can I really ignore him on his birthday… 阅读更多内容
update on the dj
OK so the DJ well the last time I seen him was on my birthday he did ask to c me before that but he just wanted to mess around and I said no.... then on my birthday at the bar he wanted to sneak off with me but I said no.... and he stopped kissing me maybe he just thinks I'm a prude lol but I don't just want a fb oh and he text me the day after my birthday and told me he was interested in someone else And his friend the one with his v card he stopped talking to me after I told him no :-\ Oh and gambit has text me twice this week... I haven't said anything back And... link call… 阅读更多内容
the dj and his friend
OK so I've been talking to the DJ.... and his friend Umm I guess first I shouldtell u how it went on his birthday... great I guess I had fun and I know he did spent most of the night with him and his friends and I liked his friends but the DJ and I did slip away for a bit I let him touch me and he slid his fingers into both my holes I really liked that i stroked his cock most of the time but i did suck his dick for him as well and got him off but he pulled away from me when he came i didnt like that what a waste but i didnt say anything he didnt know yet what a bad girl i am or good depen… 阅读更多内容
the dj
OK so I think I've told u about the DJ before I know his brother and I met him the first time the night I met Bob at the bar that was the first night I fucked Bob but before Bob got there the DJ was trying to pick me up he was even touching my leg under the table before I told him he had to behave I was meeting someone there I seen the DJ again on Halloween and again he tried to pick me up but I met batman and ran in to some old friends so I didn't spend the whole night with him I went to the bar again on Fri and when I got there I didn't c him and I was more disappointed by that than… 阅读更多内容
he isnt Bob.... so who is he
OK so Bob left me again some time ago he is not the guy in my new pics/vid now pls stop telling me how lucky Bob is So who is the guy? Well its not Link or Gambit.... im mad at gambit and link well im not mad at him i just dont want him So its not Bob Link or Gambit and its not someone new I don't really do new I like to have sex but I don't sleep around with a bunch of random new guys no this guy is a blast from my past He isn't as old as I am and I normally go for men not boys but he is impressive and I've had him before sometimes if u have an itch u just have to scratch… 阅读更多内容
I went as catwoman.... and I met batman When I first got there a few people was like oh hey Catwoman u look great r u here with batman?? O.o Well I ran in to some old friends and had a great time but later on I was in line to get drink >.< and batman showed up behind me he told me how great I looked and asked if I'd be in a pic with him ^-^ I was happy to cuz tbh his costume was amazing like convention worthy kind of amazing... so he went to take a pic with his phone but it was dead so he asked if I would take one on mine and send it to him I thought that was a smooth way to get… 阅读更多内容
i seen gambit lastnight
So i was in a bit of a mood last night and when gambit text me I didn't reply... for like 2 hours I wasn't going to at all like I had all but decided to give him up :-\ But I was in a mood and didn't want to be alone so I gave in and started text him and I told him how I feel and that I wanted him or i wanted him to leave me alone well he said he would leave me alone if that was what I wanted and then text me several times after and eventually text guessing that I had fallen asleep and that one got a reply I told him I was still up..... he wanted to come c me and I let him And what… 阅读更多内容
what ive been doing
Well I know I've not posted anything in a bit cuz I've been busy but really I've not been doing much mostly just work :-\ I don't think I've had sex since gambits birthday..... I mean I could have several times with the boys and this other guy that I had something with back in the day he really doesnt matter but he has been wanting to c me and I keep putting it off and idk y cuz I've always liked him and its not like we haven't done anything before but I just don't know Last time I talked to Darla she wanted to hang out go do something come c me whatever she wants me to text her but… 阅读更多内容
so much has happened idk where to start
OK so first this morning a guy I know that is kinda family ish told me he found pics of me in a sexy cat out fit on craigslist I haven't seen it but I don't doubt the pics r of me but I didn't do it I'm not on craigslist or anything else but xhamster so if u ever find me anywhere else its not really me Anyway..... OK so umm I told u about gambit and how he seen a selfie Darla sent me how he knows her and he fucked her back in the day..... well I told Darla at first I wouldn't tell her who she said it was untrue and that she had never fucked a guy ever well then I talked to gambit he said… 阅读更多内容
Gambits birthday
OK so yesterday was Gambits birthday he text me a few days ago and asked if he could c me I said yes....... OK so for anyone that doesn't know the back story here gambit and I r like fuck buddies have been for years now 4 or 5 now I think after the first few weeks I told him we could be more then he stopped talking to me for a few weeks since then we have been just fuck buddies till like a few months ago he started talking about us dateing exclusively but nothing ever came of it and idk... then nothing Well I've been trying to go without sex and I did tell him about that like when I st… 阅读更多内容
OK so I had a busy day yesterday.... :-\ First Gambit text me he said that he knew I hated him but that he wanted to c me for his birthday..... *sigh* I do not hate gambit long before I ever met Bob Gambit was my favorite but I am mad at him I told him I was going to try to not have sex for awhile he still wanted to c me he asked to c me I agreed but then I never text him I waited for him to text me and he didn't >.< He has been with me on a few of my birthdays and we do have fun so I've agreed but I don't plan to fuck him.... let's c how that goes :-\ I seen Darla and I was ev… 阅读更多内容
about to give it up
OK so Bob has blown me off again.... seen that one coming but I'm still disappointed and I don't get but whatever I've been talking a lot to Gambit but tbh IDK that I even really want him or link I'm thinking about giving them up even Bob when and if he decides he wants me again No sex.... nothing below the belt not even with the girls when and if anything ever happens with the girls at least till after my birthday in Dec its not that far off give myself some time it could backfire and I end up alone and miserable on my birthday but I know I'm not happy now I can have link anyti… 阅读更多内容
OK so I'm having some phone problems :-\ my camera isn't working on my phone and I don't think I can survive with out a camera.... ;-; So now they r going to take my phone and send me a new one So..... I won't have a phone ;-; IDK how long hopefully just like 2-3 days but it could be longer most of the time I'm on xhamster I'm on my phone so if I disappear for a bit u know y… 阅读更多内容