what did i do lastnight?

Omg! What did I do last night? Well I know what I did... but y Cuz it was nice and he was nice.... but now what? Idk OK so I went out last night and I had a great time with this guy and when he took me home what should have been just a kiss goodnight just went on and on and we just stood outside my place with me standing next to his car and leaning back on it and it was just so good he wasn't running his hands all over me or trying to feel me up or anything and he wasn't coming in I'd already told him that but the kisses were just so perfect and I just didn't want to let him go and I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 16

publicly exposed and humiliated

OK so I went out last night I wore this tight little red skirt I have an old pic of it posted with a bunch of other skirts maybe u remember it ... So umm anyway i wore this tight little red silk skirt with a cute little black top to go with my new black hair before I left I went on cam with one of my favorites and I told him the skirt was a little more restrictive than I would like and that I'd have to be good well I wasn't good and I ripped my skirt like all the way up the back I don't even know how many people got to c my ass but yeah I was mortified the night wasn't all bad but it di… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 9

do u wanna talk?

Do u wanna talk to me? Do u wanna know where I'm from? Do u wanna meet me? Well get in line I have 100,000 plus fans and I love that but don't ask me where I'm from if I wanted u to know I'd tell u and don't ask me if we can meet or if u can make a vid with me its not going to happen I don't want to sound like a bitch cuz I love my fans here on xhamster more than u know and I do enjoy talking to u and I try to at least read all of my mail even if I can't reply to it all and to be fair a lot of it is hey wanna cam or what state r u from if I wanted u to know where I was from I'd have it… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 10

stood up

I was kinda stood up today :-\ he has asked me out a few time and I've always been busy so this time we made plans... a week ago we made plans then the day before last he wasn't feeling well and I asked him if he wanted to cancel but he didn't then we didn't talk yesterday and I asked him today if he was feeling better but he hasn't said anything If he really wasn't feeling well and told me he couldn't make it I wouldn't care but I don't like being ignored and idk y he would blow me off now when he is the one that's been asking to c me I'm really starting to just hate men… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 14

this week

OK so this past week I've gone out 3 times the first time I seen my x and his new girl the second time I ran in to an old friend that I was never that close to I couldn't even remember him at first but I did eventually and he had a couple of friends with him and all 3 of them wanted me but nothing happened the 3rd time was uneventful but fun I got to dance and I love that Then the other night I let this guy come over idk if I ever told u about him or not I haven't seen him in a long time not cuz he didn't want to c me but cuz I didn't want to c him and he has been asking to c me for a while… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 6

my dream lastnight

My dream last night OK so its weird it was like a family reunion kinda thing and it was at my great grandparents house that isn't in the family anymore and like all the stuff that had always been there wasn't and that fits cuz I know its not there and some of it I have but umm... My ex that just dumped me was there and he looked miserable idk y he would even be there but he was and he wanted to talk to me but I was reluctant we did walk around the house and I pointed out to him the way things used to be and where the things that I have were before U would think this dream would be leadin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 5


I'm really unhappy and I just feel so alone more than I have in a long time and idk what to do I can get new guys I could but I feel like they would only want to use me as a fuck toy that they won't really want me like all I'm good for is sex that's y I've been thinking about leaving xhamster trying to get away from sex but I love my fans u guys make me feel confident and with as unwanted as I've been feeling I need that I'm just really confused but I wanted u to know that I appreciate u… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 14

a little to easy

OK so a lot of the time I dont really tell u guys about all the boys I just talk to or shoot down or what ever like the other night I told u about my ex showing up with the other girl but I didn't tell u about the guy that was hitting on who was there with his gf who he said was bi sometimes but I wasn't really interested and then he even went so far as to tell me that if she didn't go for it we could always meet up later just the 2 of us.... uh no not a chance And then last night I went out again im trying to make myself feel better anyway like I had several guys trying to talk to me and I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 5


So.... I guess first I should tell u I found something of his under my bed something I know he would want back but when I told him I had it nothing I guess getting it back isn't worth having to c me But he did c me last night I went out... I needed to get out So I went to the bar and I was already there when he showed up with someone else… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 14

going away

I'm thinking about going away leaving xhamster but idk if I did it wouldn't be just xhamster i gave up it would be all sex going with out it all even when/if I find someone still waiting cuz I don't c any other way and I feel like that's all anyone wants me for Idk yet if I will idk if I can but I know something has to change… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 16

this morning

OK so I just started to date this guy soldier boy I've known him for 10 years he has always kinda wanted me but nothing had ever happpend not ever just friends for 10 years and for the past few years he has been deployed I was one of the people that still talked to him on a regular basis when he got back he kissed me he told me how he wanted to be with me Later I made him wait I didn't take him home with me We talked... about what we both wanted When he made it back to my place i told him I still wanted to wait I told him I wanted it to matter and he told me how I had always matter f… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 17

is it better to ask permission or forgiveness?

Is it better to ask for permission or forgiveness? Most if the time I'd say I'd rather ask someone to forgive me before I'd ask if I could but if we r talking about in a relationship its a little different I want to know what my boundaries r before I cross them So I talked to my soldier boy about what was and wasn't OK I didn't tell him about xhamster but I don't think I need to and I think I'd be fi e to keep posting now guilt free I know the rules and it won't be breaking them I don't think I have anything to worried about but I still am :-\ I let him stay with me last night it was… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 12


Ok so today soldier boy had to postpone our plans :-\ We just made plans this morning for sun night and now we have to wait till Mon its ok cuz when he asked to c me I told him I could c him sun or Mon he chose sun but then later said it would have to wait till mon and he had a good reason I know its nothing but I'm worried maybe he doesn't want to c me Maybe he doesn't really want me? I do care about him but its kind of hard to believe that he cares about me and I've been letting my self care even more about him and kinda think what if cuz i mean its what he wants its what he… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 14

what i did lastnight

Well he spent a lot of time just holding me and petting and kissing me i guess im the first girl he kissed since he got back and even just holding me seemed like it was amazing for him he kept telling me how soft i am and how good i smelled like i said before it seems like soldier boy is just looking for something to hold on to we kissed a lot and he got to c and play with the girl but when he would try for more I'dpull away from him and ask him if i was worth waiting on he told me he has always wanted me and has been waiting for years to have a chance with me I spent a long time teasi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 7

wanna bet

Ok so I seen soldier boy again last night and we one of the many things we talked about was what happened after Iwent home the other night u have to understand that buddy was the driver cuz he was the only one not drinking so wwhen he took me home soldier boy went with us and Iguess my friends all bet on if iI'd let let him come home with me lol So what do u think they bet 3 of them r close friends of mine and 1 kitty I just met that night..... All 3 of my close friends said no she isn't going to give it up kitty was the only one that thought Iwould and i didnt but theni told u that in m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前

some girl on girl on girl lastnight and then some

Ok so I guess recap first who remember sugar and buddy? And my solider friend? So buddy is a good friend of mine that is also friends with link and sugar is buddy's girlfriend that's bi and is ok to do stuff with girls as long as she gets buddy's ok first and I live that I've even given buddy and sugar bondage lessons before ^-^ I think I've told u about my soldier friend before but we have been friends and only friends never kissed or anything for more than 10 years and he has been deployed and gone for a few years but westill talked and he had this gf back home that cheated on him and it… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 4

what do i want ???

What do I want.... idk I want..... someone to worship me not just use me as a fuck toy Will and link came over last night with 3 other guys and we all had a good time..... playing monopoly Zelda themed monopoly lol I even played a couple of songs on my ocarina ^_^ And we had to get out the master swords and I even let link have his back so now I'm down to just the one master sword but that's OK cuz having 2 was kinda blasphemous I know what your thinking me alone with 5 guys... but I didn't fuck any one tbh I haven't had anyone in way to long its killing me -_- The mos… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 30

new stuff

Ok so I'm sorry I've been busy and distract. and I've not been on for like ever :-\ I've got new stuff…… like a lot of new stuff ^_^ Ummm.... I think I have like 3 new corsets 2 new toys a new dress and a mini skirt oh and 2 new monokinis that I've never posted picture of I know I really really need to do that..... but I've been really busy and distracted with just so much going on... I'm trying to remember what all u have missed out on I guess it would be best to start with comic con I went with baby girl her twin sister link and buddy sugar was unable to g… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 9 年 前 8

toy story

OK so I was looking for a new toy and they didn't have what I wanted but I still got one and I like it ^_^ But I was supper embarrassed cuz the story they don't just sell toys but its kind of small and normally when I go in there they have like one other person in there maybe but this time like 6 young kind cuye guys was there and a couple I was mortified but I lived And it was worth it I like my new toy I'll post a vid and some pics soon..... So.... do u wanna know what I got? Idk if I want to tell u or make u wait and c..... Maybe u should guess or just tell me what you're h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 10 年 前 8

link and will

OK so.... I've been a bad girl What did I do? umm..... link and will So I got one of the Zelda monopoly games and me link will and 2 other people all came over to play link got to my place first and he may have brushed up against little stuff u know but i told him to behave and then evey one was there and it was fun and we all played Zelda monopoly and some links crossbow and stuff like that it was great At one point link whent into my room he had a good reason it was legitimate so when he yelled for me I didn't really think about it... till Derik came in behind me and closed t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Zedoary 10 年 前 5