Ok so who remembers date guy..... I know I know I shouldn't but I am Ok so for anyone who doesn't know date guy and I went out twice a few months back the first date was great we got something to eat we kissed end of story the second date was my birthday and I had a good time but idk if he did or not we went to a bar for my birthday and I got drunk I'm ok with that it was my birthday and I never get drunk but I did and he took me home and put me in bed and didn't have me he could have but he didnt I have mixed feelings about this but most r good and make me want him more on the bad side… 阅读更多内容
new vids or not
Well I took a new vid the other day and its way to fuckin big so it may or may not ever get posted I took a new smaller cock tease vid lastnight and it uploaded fine but then failed so I did it again again it uploaded fine and again it failed I hate fucking posting new vids on xhamster its a pain it the ass if it wasn't id post a lot more vids… 阅读更多内容
new cock tease vid should be up soon
Ok so I took a new vid a few days ago and can't post it cuz its to big a friend of mine will fix it but it could take some time till then I posted a new lil cock tease vid for u i hope u like it show it some love if u want me to post more vids… 阅读更多内容
my other stallion
A friend of mine told me once that I collected stallions and I realy liked that u c I have like a sex addiction I can't go without sex and it didn't take me long to figure that out so now I have stallions men like gambit and link thank I fuck on and off for years. May be a sex addict but I don't sleep around my stallions do mean something to me and in some way they know me better than most I'm far more open with them They know what they r They know what I am And they know they r not alone (Gambit is the only stallion that knows about xhamster) Link.... Link wields the master sword… 阅读更多内容
Ok so I'm a bit of a nerd and I like nerd guys Well I have this one guy that I have been fucking on and off for a few years let's call him gambit Gambit is a nerd and plays cards he is over 6ft tall (I'm 5'9" I like tall guys) he likes the same kind of books as me and reads the same kinds of manga and so on let just say if I was to cosplay as lulu it wouldn't be lost on him he is the kind of guy that I can lay in bed with for hours after great sex or just long enough to go again ;) Now gambit and I have never dated its always been on and off and its always been just sex really good se… 阅读更多内容
what do u want to c next???
I want to take some new pics of stuff I don't have or don't have much of and id like to post a few new galleries I know I want to do one of bondage pics I'm also thinking abou one of just pantie shots maybe one of pussy shots cuz I don't have any now but idk I've asked u before to tell me what u want to c but most of u send me a msg and I get a lot of msgs so pls pls if u want to c something of have an ideal for a new gallerie pls comment this the more comments I get for something on this the better the chance is that I will do it… 阅读更多内容
ive been bad
ok i havent posted a blog in some time cuz ive been busy ive been bad ok i was being good but it wasnt doing me any good so now im kind of just toying with a few guys and i almost feel bad about it almost but i know they r just useing me like i am them oh and i had a random bondage party the other day only with out sex it was weird 2 guy friends of mine showed up and they r a bit twisted and they noticed some rope in the floor of my bed room and start to play with it and iwas all here let me show u how ^_^ well one guy got tied up almost hog tied but a bit different he was just… 阅读更多内容
one week
Well I was realy starting to like date guy but he hasn't txt me in a week Idk y... the last thing he said was that he liked a pic I had sent him But that was a week ago I've txt him a few things but he never txts me back I haven't txt him in days I'm not mad at him or anything like that if he wanted to talk to me he would But he isn't... so I guess its time to move on Movie guy keeps txting me I keep puting him off cuz I was hopeing date guy would txt and I'm still kinda mad at him for not showing up to the movie even if he did call me the next day to say sry But then I als… 阅读更多内容
how my date went on my birthday
For my birthday I went to a bar with the same guy from my last date the one that kissed me and I had fun for the most part rode a mechanical bull and got drunk I had a good time but idk that he did we played pool but I realy suck like bad I told him so before we played and at one point my x showed up he didn't talk to us or start anything but that realy pissed me off cuz I know he was only there to find me and c what I was doin but I did get drunk and I'm fine with that its kind of what I wanted cuz I don't ever get drunk but when I do I bite hard and I bit my date and he didn't like it I felt… 阅读更多内容
the first time i was touched
Well since I'm still not geting any I guess ill tell u about the first time a guy touched me I'm almost 25 so about 9 years ago a guy touched me for the first time he was 2 years older than me we was in the same art class we sat at the same table and he had been brushing the side of my leg under the table for days we never talked about it or anything but no one had ever done anything like that to me before and he was all cool and hot and older and I've always liked older guys but anyway one day I wore a skirt just to c what he would do well wh ran his hand up and down my leg for a while and… 阅读更多内容
people keep asking about the guy i went on the dat
People keep asking about the guy I went on the date with... No I haven't seen him Yes I want to All we did was kiss... so no he did not fuck me not in any of my holes no I did not get suck his dick we just kissed he didn't even get to play with my tits but when/if we do more ill tell u about it trust me I wish I was geting laid just as much as u want to read about it Idk what he wants with me people keep asking if he just wants me for a sex toy or if I'm going to date him and if so will I leave xhamster like I have in the past well don't worrie I don't plan to go anywhere I like… 阅读更多内容
a guy made me blush today ^_^
It was cute ok I went to Mc Ds for lunch with a friend of mine well it was packed I talked to my friend as we waited I don't remember what it was about or anything but we was in our own little world... When our food was done and we started to leave still talking I stoped mid sentence dead in my tracks and said "oh my god.. what is that smell. Its so good" I kinda looked up and sniffed the air Now remember I'm at Mc Ds but it wasn't food I smelled and remember its packed I turn to the other side the one my friend I've been talking to isn't on and so close that I'm almost touching… 阅读更多内容
what i like and where i like it
Im a bi bdsm switch I like guys more than girls sry but no toy will ever feel better than a real cock I like dom guys more than subs cuz I am a sub at heart and love to be used When it comes to a girl I like a sub girl I like to use her or even just to watch her be used but I wil go for dom girls as well cuz like I said I love to be used When I say used I mean for rough sex I'm realy into rope bondage wax clamps I love to have my nipples played with bite them pinch them pull them I just love to have my tits and nipples played with I do like to have toys used on me people always ask what… 阅读更多内容
i had a great time lastnight
I had a date lastnight. ^_^ Went to my favorite mexican place had a few drinks and talked and kissed.... ...and when he kissed me I didn't want him to stop the feel of his hand in my hair holding me to him as he kissed me he would bite my bottom lip oh how I want to feel his lips and his hand all over my body But it was just a first date he didn't get to run his hands over me but I realy hope he wanted to and if I had to guess by the way he kissed me... he wanted to Anyway I had a great time and can't wait to c him again and its not just cuz of the way he kisses me I liked… 阅读更多内容
movie guy called
Movie guy called... My x had come over and was kind of being a dick but not real bad he had went out to his car to grab something and movie guy called my x i knew whould have been more of a dick if he came back in and I was on the phone with a guy so I didn't answer it I just txt him and told him it was a bad time I txt him later.. Well after my x left I looked at my phone movie guy had txt back "ok cuz I need u right now" and I know he sucks and was a dick and didn't txt me but.... I'm a girl and he said he needed me and I know its dumb but I called him We didn't talk long he just… 阅读更多内容
how movienight went
Well... I didn't go Guy never showed up. He never txt me or told me he wasn't going to make it I've not talked to him so idk y… 阅读更多内容
im going to c a movie tomorrow with this guy
Ok so I'm going to go c the new thor movie tomorrow with this guy... and well I kinda like him. I'm all happy cuz I get to c him tomorrow and we r just friends but... I like him ^_^ And.... idk I realy don't he realy only just left his x and as of late guys keep leaven me to get back with an x and I realy don't want that again but its not realy a date anyway we r just friends :-\ But... I like him ^_^ even if we r just friends it will still be nice to hang out with an old friend I don't get to c much… 阅读更多内容
my birthday is...
My birthday is dec 7th ill be 25 and idk yet what I want to do I know I need a man soon cuz I realy don't want to go with out on my birthday but anyway I wanted to ask everyone if I was yours what would we do for my birthday??? I'm tryin to keep up with a blog and post something every few days but idk what to write about so how about some ideals what do u want to know about me?… 阅读更多内容
what im doin tonight
What I'm doin tonight.... not a damn thing its a sat night and not only is there nothing to do in this town but even if there was I've got none to do it with how sad is that in a few hours all be curling up in my bed with just my big ass supper soft blanket to keep me warm… 阅读更多内容
so that x of mine i was telling u about that doesn
ok in my last post i told u i was kind of talkin to an x of mine that never realy had time for me... well first i guess i should tell you more about him he isnt realy an x we have never dated we have been fucking on and off for like 3years now the sex is great i love talking with him and just being around him we both love to read and do read a lot of the same stuff but like ive said he never realy has time for me so its always been on and off anyway.... ive been talking to him he wants to start up again and i want him i do but i know it wont last cuz he never has time for me im a freak ok… 阅读更多内容